µOS++ IIIe Reference 7.0.0
The third edition of µOS++, a POSIX inspired open source framework, written in C++
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NosSystem namespace
 NestdEmbedded std namespace
 NrtosRTOS namespace
 NstdStandard std namespace
 Chash< os::estd::thread::id >
 Cos_clock_sClock object storage
 Cos_condvar_attr_sCondition variable attributes
 Cos_condvar_sCondition variable object storage
 Cos_evflags_attr_sEvent flags attributes
 Cos_evflags_sEvent flags object storage
 Cos_internal_evflags_sInternal event flags
 Cos_mailQ_defDefinition structure for mail queue
 Cos_memory_sMemory resource object storage
 Cos_mempool_attr_sMemory pool attributes
 Cos_mempool_sMemory pool object storage
 Cos_messageQ_defDefinition structure for message queue
 Cos_mqueue_attr_sMessage queue attributes
 Cos_mqueue_sMessage queue object storage
 Cos_mutex_attr_sMutex attributes
 Cos_mutex_defMutex definition structure contains setup information for a mutex
 Cos_mutex_sMutex object storage
 Cos_pool_defDefinition structure for memory block allocation
 Cos_semaphore_attr_sSemaphore attributes
 Cos_semaphore_defSemaphore definition structure contains setup information for a semaphore
 Cos_semaphore_sSemaphore object storage
 Cos_thread_attr_sThread attributes
 Cos_thread_context_sThread context
 Cos_thread_defThread definition structure contains startup information of a thread
 Cos_thread_sThread object storage
 Cos_thread_stack_sThread stack
 Cos_thread_statistics_sThread statistics
 Cos_timer_attr_sTimer attributes
 Cos_timer_defTimer definition structure contains timer parameters
 Cos_timer_sTimer object storage
 CosEventEvent structure contains detailed information about an event
 CthreadStandard thread
 CidThread unique id