First µOS++ public version v6.3.7 released µOS++ v6.3.10 released

µOS++ v6.3.9 released

Version v6.3.9 is a new µOS++/CMSIS++ public release (v6.3.8 was an internal release). The major additions are: the first integration of the POSIX I/O subsystem and an experimental set of scripts to generate µOS++ projects.


As of now, the µOS++ code is split between several GitHub projects and needs to be brought together to compose a project. To automate this process, some scripts were written. To experiment with µOS++, please check the demo projects, available from GitHub, and use a similar structure for your projects.

New features

  • integrate posix-io & posix-driver git subtrees from the separate projects; currently only character devices are fully functional;
  • automate char device registry by using lists; no need to manually add/remove devices;
  • in order to support tickless deep sleeps, the update_for_slept_time() function was added to the clock class, to update the internal count with the number of ticks lost during the sleep;

Addressed bugs

  • os-c-wrapper.c: the functions used to create objects did create objects properly, but failed to return a pointer to the created objects; fixed;
  • diag/trace.cpp: for empty strings, puts() did not add the terminator; fixed;

Other changes

  • general purpose classes were moved to the newly created utils folder;
  • startup: temporarily disable weak os_startup_initialize_hardware() (without the renamed function the linker used the weak version of this function and did not perform the hardware initialisations at all).

Known problems
