Coding style (SE) - DEPRECATED

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The following rules are mainly based on MISRA C++:2008 Guidelines for the use of the C++ language in critical systems, by Motor Industry Software Reliability Association with additions from Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle C++ Coding Standards, Lockheed Martin Corporation Doc. No. 2RDU00001 Rev D, dated June 2007, with some changes and clarifications.

General Design

This coding standards document is intended to help programmers develop code that conforms to safety-critical software principles, i.e., code that does not contain defects that could lead to catastrophic failures resulting in significant harm to individuals and/or equipment. In general, the code produced should exhibit the following important qualities:

  • Reliability: Executable code should consistently fulfill all requirements in a predictable manner.
  • Portability: Source code should be portable (i.e. not compiler or linker dependent).
  • Maintainability: Source code should be written in a manner that is consistent, readable, simple in design, and easy to debug.
  • Testability: Source code should be written to facilitate testability. Minimizing the following characteristics for each software module will facilitate a more testable and maintainable module:
    1. code size
    2. complexity
    3. static path count (number of paths through a piece of code)
  • Reusability: The design of reusable components is encouraged. Component reuse can eliminate redundant development and test activities (i.e. reduce costs).
  • Extensibility: Requirements are expected to evolve over the life of a product. Thus, a system should be developed in an extensible manner (i.e. perturbations in requirements may be managed through local extensions rather than wholesale modifications).
  • Readability: Source code should be written in a manner that is easy to read, understand and comprehend.

Coupling & Cohesion

Source code should be developed as a set of modules as loosely coupled as is reasonably feasible. Note that generic programming (which requires the use of templates) allows source code to be written with loose coupling and without runtime overhead.


Should, Will, and Shall Rules

There are three types of rules: should, will, and shall rules. Each rule contains either a “should”, “will” or a “shall” in bold letters indicating its type.

  • Should rules are advisory rules. They strongly suggest the recommended way of doing things.
  • Will rules are intended to be mandatory requirements. It is expected that they will be followed, but they do not require verification. They are limited to non-safety-critical requirements that cannot be easily verified (e.g., naming conventions). Specific to JSF AV, MISRA C++ does not use them.
  • Shall rules are mandatory requirements. They must be followed and they require verification (either automatic or manual).

Breaking Rules

  • [JSF AV Rule 4] - To break a “should” rule, the following approval must be received by the developer:
    • approval from the software engineering lead (obtained by the unit approval in the developmental CM tool)
  • [JSF AV Rule 5] - To break a “will” or a “shall” rule, the following approvals must be received by the developer:
    • approval from the software engineering lead (obtained by the unit approval in the developmental CM tool)
    • approval from the software product manager (obtained by the unit approval in the developmental CM tool)
  • [JSF AV Rule 6] - Each deviation from a “shall” rule shall be documented in the file that contains the deviation). Deviations from this rule shall not be allowed, AV Rule 5 notwithstanding.

Exceptions to Rules

  • [JSF AV Rule 7] - Approval will not be required for a deviation from a “shall” or “will” rule that complies with an exception specified by that rule.

JSF AV Referenced Documents

  1. ANSI/IEEE Std 754, IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic, 1985.
  2. Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition. Addison-Wesley, 2000.
  3. Bjarne Stroustrup. Bjarne Stroustrup’s C++ Glossary.
  4. Bjarne Stroustrup. Bjarne Stroustrup’s C++ Style and Technique FAQ.
  5. Barbara Liskov. Data Abstraction and Hierarchy, SIGPLAN Notices, 23, 5 (May, 1988).
  6. Scott Meyers. Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design, 2nd Edition. Addison-Wesley, 1998.
  7. Scott Meyers. More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs. Addison-Wesley, 1996.
  8. Motor Industry Software Reliability Association. Guidelines for the Use of the C Language in Vehicle Based Software, April 1998.
  9. ISO/IEC 10646-1, Information technology - Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane, 1993.
  10. ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E), Programming Languages – C++. American National Standards Institute, New York, New York 10036, 2003.
  11. ISO/IEC 9899: 1990, Programming languages - C, ISO, 1990.
  12. JSF Mission Systems Software Development Plan.
  13. JSF System Safety Program Plan. DOC. No. 2YZA00045-0002.
  14. Programming in C++ Rules and Recommendations. Copyright © by Ellemtel Telecommunication Systems Laboratories, Box 1505, 125 25 Alvsjo, Sweden, Document: M 90 0118 Uen, Rev. C, 27 April 1992.
  15. RTCA/DO-178B, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification, December 1992.

Language independent issues

Unnecessary constructs

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–1, Required] A project shall not contain unreachable code.
  • [JSV AV Rule 186 (MISRA C Rule 52)] - There shall be no unreachable code.

    Note: For reusable template components, unused members will not be included in the object code.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–2, Required] A project shall not contain infeasible paths.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–3, Required] A project shall not contain unused variables.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–4, Required] A project shall not contain non-volatile POD variables having only one use.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–5, Required] A project shall not contain unused type declarations.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–6, Required] A project shall not contain instances of non-volatile variables being given values that are never subsequently used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–7, Required] The value returned by a function having a non-void return type that is not an overloaded operator shall always be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–8, Required] All functions with void return type shall have external side effect(s).
  • [JSV AV Rule 187 (MISRA C Rule 53, Revised)] - All non-null statements shall potentially have a side-effect.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–9, Required] There shall be no dead code (redundant, code whose removal would not affect the program output).
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–10, Required] Every defined function shall be called at least once.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–11, Required] There shall be no unused parameters (named or unnamed) in non-virtual functions.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–1–12, Required] There shall be no unused parameters (named or unnamed) in the set of parameters for a virtual function and all the functions that override it.


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–2–1, Required] An object shall not be assigned to an overlapping object (object storage shall not overlap).

Runtime features

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–3–1, Document] Minimization of run-time failures shall be ensured by the use of at least one of:
    • static analysis tools/techniques;
    • dynamic analysis tools/techniques;
    • explicit coding of checks to handle run-time faults.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–3–2, Required] If a function generates error information, then that error information shall be tested.
  • [JSF AV Rule 15 (MISRA C Rule 4, Revised)] - Provision shall be made for run-time checking (defensive programming).
  • [JSF AV Rule 125] - Unnecessary temporary objects should be avoided. See Meyers [7], item 19, 20, 21.
  • [JSV AV Rule 217] - Compile-time and link-time errors should be preferred over run-time errors. See Meyers [6], item 46.


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–4–1, Document] - Use of scaled-integer or fixed-point arithmetic shall be documented.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–4–2, Document] - Use of floating-point arithmetic shall be documented.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 0–4–3, Document] - Floating-point implementations shall comply with a defined floating- point standard.



  • [MISRA C++ Rule 1–0–1, Required] - All code shall conform to ISO/IEC 14882:2003 “The C++ Standard Incorporating Technical Corrigendum 1”. (updated to 14882:2011)
  • [JSF AV Rule 8] - All code shall conform to ISO/IEC 14882:2002(E) standard C++. [10] (updated to 14882:2011)
  • [ILG Rule 1–0–1 update, Required] - All code shall conform to ISO/IEC 14882:2011 The C++ Programming languages — C++
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 1–0–2, Document] - Multiple compilers shall only be used if they have a common, defined interface.
  • [ILG Rule 1-0-2, Advisory] - Both GNU GCC and LLVM Clang compilers should be considered.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 1–0–3, Document] - The implementation of integer division in the chosen compiler shall be determined and documented.

Lexical conventions

Character sets

  • [MISRA C++ Rule2–2–1, Document] - The character set and the corresponding encoding shall be documented.
  • [JSF AV Rule 9 (MISRA C Rule 5, Revised)] - Only those characters specified in the C++ basic source character set will be used. This set includes 96 characters: the space character, the control characters representing horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, and newline, and the following 91 graphical characters:
 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
 _ { } [ ] - # ( ) < > % : ; . ? * + -
 / ^ & | ~ ! = , \ " ’
  • [JSF AV Rule 10 (MISRA C Rule 6)] - Values of character types will be restricted to a defined and documented subset of ISO 10646-1. [9]
  • [JSF AV Rule 13 (MISRA C Rule 8)] - Multi-byte characters and wide string literals will not be used.
  • [ILG AV Rule 13 (MISRA C Rule 8)] - Multi-byte characters and wide string literals will not be used in variable names, but is legal in comments (and Doxygen documentation).

Trigraph sequences

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–3–1, Required] - Trigraphs shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 11 (MISRA C Rule 7)] - Trigraphs will not be used.

Alternative tokens

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–5–1, Advisory] - Digraphs should not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 12, (Extension of MISRA C Rule 7)] - The following digraphs will not be used:
 <% %> <: :> %: %:%:


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–7–1, Required] - The character sequence /* shall not be used within a C-style comment.
  • [JSF AV Rule 126] - Only valid C++ style comments (//) shall be used. See AV Rule 126 in Appendix A for additional details concerning valid C++ style comments.

    Exception: Automatic code generators that cannot be configured to use the “//” form.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–7–2, Required] - Sections of code shall not be “commented out” using C-style comments.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–7–3, Advisory] - Sections of code should not be “commented out” using C++ comments.
  • [JSF AV Rule 127] - Code that is not used (commented out) shall be deleted.

    Exception: Code that is simply part of an explanation may appear in comments.

  • [JSF AV Rule 128] - Comments that document actions or sources (e.g. tables, figures, paragraphs, etc.) outside of the file being documented will not be allowed.
  • [JSF AV Rule 129] - Comments in header files should describe the externally visible behavior of the functions or classes being documented.
  • [JSF AV Rule 130] - The purpose of every line of executable code should be explained by a comment, although one comment may describe more than one line of code.
  • [JSF AV Rule 131] - One should avoid stating in comments what is better stated in code (i.e. do not simply repeat what is in the code).
  • [JSF AV Rule 132] - Each variable declaration, typedef, enumeration value, and structure member will be commented.

    Exception: Cases where commenting would be unnecessarily redundant.

  • [JSF AV Rule 133] - Every source file will be documented with an introductory comment that provides information on the file name, its contents, and any program-required information (e.g. legal statements, copyright information, etc).
  • [JSF AV Rule 134] - Assumptions (limitations) made by functions should be documented in the function’s preamble.


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–10–1, Required] - Different identifiers shall be typographically unambiguous.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–10–2, Required] - Identifiers declared in an inner scope shall not hide an identifier declared in an outer scope.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–10–3, Required] - A typedef name (including qualification, if any) shall be a unique identifier.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–10–4, Required] - A class, union or enum name (including qualification, if any) shall be a unique identifier.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–10–5, Advisory] - The identifier name of a non-member object or function with static storage duration should not be reused.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–10–6, Required] - If an identifier refers to a type, it shall not also refer to an object or a function in the same scope.
  • [JSF AV Rule 45] - All words in an identifier will be separated by the ‘_’ character.
  • [ILG AV Rule 45 update] - The identifiers should use the CamelCase convention.
  • [JSF AV Rule 46 (MISRA C Rule 11, Revised)] - User-specified identifiers (internal and external) will not rely on significance of more than 64 characters.
  • [JSF AV Rule 47] - Identifiers will not begin with the underscore character ‘_’.
  • [JSF AV Rule 48] - Identifiers will not differ by:
    • Only a mixture of case
    • The presence/absence of the underscore character
    • The interchange of the letter ‘O’, with the number ‘0’ or the letter ‘D’
    • The interchange of the letter ‘I’, with the number ‘1’ or the letter ‘l’
    • The interchange of the letter ‘S’ with the number ‘5’
    • The interchange of the letter ‘Z’ with the number 2
    • The interchange of the letter ‘n’ with the letter ‘h’.
  • [JSF AV Rule 49] - All acronyms in an identifier will be composed of uppercase letters.
  • [ILG AV Rule 49 update] - As all CamelCase words, acronyms will be transformed to have only the first letter in uppercase.
  • [JSF AV Rule 50] - The first word of the name of a class, structure, namespace, enumeration, or type created with typedef will begin with an uppercase letter. All others letters will be lowercase.

    Exception: The first letter of a typedef name may be in lowercase in order to conform to a standard library interface or when used as a replacement for fundamental types (see AV Rule 209).

  • [JSF AV Rule 51] - All letters contained in function and variable names will be composed entirely of lowercase letters.
  • [JSF AV Rule 52] - Identifiers for constant and enumerator values shall be lowercase.
  • [ILG AV Rule 50 update] - The first word of the name of a class, typedef class alias, constant definition will begin with an uppercase letter. Namespace, or scalar type definitions will begin with an lowercase letter. (structures? enumerations?)


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–13–1, Required] - Only those escape sequences that are defined in ISO/IEC 14882:2003 shall be used.
  • [ILG Rule 2–13–1, Required] - Only those escape sequences that are defined in ISO/IEC 14882:2011 shall be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–13–2, Required] - Octal constants (other than zero) and octal escape sequences (other than “\0”) shall not be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–13–3, Required] - A “U” suffix shall be applied to all octal or hexadecimal integer literals of unsigned type.

    ILG: for example 0U.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–13–4, Required] - Literal suffixes shall be upper case.

    ILG: to avoid ambiguities with digit 1; for example 0L, 0UL, 0x0U, 1.2F.

  • [JSF AV Rule 14] - Literal suffixes shall use uppercase rather than lowercase letters.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 2–13–5, Required] - Narrow and wide string literals shall not be concatenated.

Basic concepts

Declarations and definitions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–1–1, Required] - It shall be possible to include any header file in multiple translation units without violating the One Definition Rule.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–1–2, Required] - Functions shall not be declared at block scope.

    ILG: but at namespace level.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–1–3, Required] - When an array is declared, its size shall either be stated explicitly or defined implicitly by initialisation.

    ILG: no extern arrays without explicit size.

One Definition Rule

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–2–1, Required] - All declarations of an object or function shall have compatible types.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–2–2, Required] - The One Definition Rule shall not be violated.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–2–3, Required] - A type, object or function that is used in multiple translation units shall be declared in one and only one file.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–2–4, Required] - An identifier with external linkage shall have exactly one definition.

Declarative regions and scope

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–3–1, Required] - Objects or functions with external linkage shall be declared in a header file.

    ILG: to document that they are intended to be accessible from other translation units, otherwise isolate them as static.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–3–2, Required] - If a function has internal linkage then all re-declarations shall include the static storage class specifier.

Name lookup

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–4–1, Required] - An identifier declared to be an object or type shall be defined in a block that minimizes its visibility.


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–9–1, Required] - The types used for an object, a function return type, or a function parameter shall be token-for-token identical in all declarations and re-declarations.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–9–2, Advisory] - typedefs that indicate size and signedness should be used in place of the basic numerical types.
  • [ILG Note] - The ISO (POSIX) typedefs as shown below are recommended and are used for all basic numerical and character types in this document. For a 32-bit integer machine, these are as follows:
typedef          char   char_t;
typedef signed   char   int8_t;
typedef signed   short  int16_t;
typedef signed   int    int32_t;
typedef signed   long   int64_t;
typedef unsigned char   uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short  uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int    uint32_t;
typedef unsigned long   uint64_t;
typedef float           float32_t;
typedef double          float64_t;
typedef long     double float128_t;
  • [JSV AV Rule 209 (MISRA C Rule 13, Revised)] - The basic types of int, short, long, float and double shall not be used, but specific-length equivalents should be typedef’d accordingly for each compiler, and these type names used in the code.

    Exception: Basic types are permitted in low-level routines to assist in the management of word alignment issues (e.g. memory allocators).

    MISRA C Rule was changed from should to shall.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 3–9–3, Required] - The underlying bit representations of floating-point values shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 146 (MISRA C Rule 15)] - Floating point implementations shall comply with a defined floating point standard. The standard that will be used is the ANSI/IEEE Std 754 [1].
  • [JSF AV Rule 147 (MISRA C Rule 16)] - The underlying bit representations of floating point numbers shall not be used in any way by the programmer.
  • [JSF AV Rule 148] - Enumeration types shall be used instead of integer types (and constants) to select from a limited series of choices.

    Note: This rule is not intended to exclude character constants (e.g.‘A’,‘B’,‘C’,etc.) from use as case labels.

Standard conversions

Integral promotions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 4–5–1, Required] - Expressions with type bool shall not be used as operands to built-in operators other than the assignment operator =, the logical operators &&, ||, !, the equality operators == and !=, the unary & operator, and the conditional operator.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 4–5–2, Required] - Expressions with type enum shall not be used as operands to built- in operators other than the subscript operator [ ], the assignment operator =, the equality operators == and !=, the unary & operator, and the relational operators <, <=, >, >=.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 4–5–3, Required] - Expressions with type (plain) char and wchar_t shall not be used as operands to built-in operators other than the assignment operator =, the equality operators == and !=, and the unary & operator.

    Exceptions: Exceptionally, the following operators may be used if the associated restriction is observed:

    • The binary + operator may be used to add an integral value in the range 0 to 9 to ‘0’;
    • The binary – operator may be used to subtract character ‘0’;
    • The relational operators <, <=, >, >= may be used to determine if a character (or wide character) represents a digit.

Pointer conversions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 4–10–1, Required] - NULL shall not be used as an integer value.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 4–10–2, Required] - Literal zero (0) shall not be used as the null-pointer-constant.

    ILG: use nullptr.



  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–1, Required] - The value of an expression shall be the same under any order of evaluation that the standard permits.

    ILG: beware of increment/decrement in expressions, in function arguments, in nested statements.

  • [JSV AV Rule 204.1 (MISRA C Rule 46)] - The value of an expression shall be the same under any order of evaluation that the standard permits.
  • [JSF AV Rule 162] - Signed and unsigned values shall not be mixed in arithmetic or comparison operations.
  • [JSF AV Rule 163] - Unsigned arithmetic shall not be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–2, Advisory] - Limited dependence should be placed on C++ operator precedence rules in expressions.

    ILG: parentheses should be used to emphasise precedence rules.

  • [JSV AV Rule 213 (MISRA C Rule 47, Revised)] - No dependence shall be placed on C++’s operator precedence rules, below arithmetic operators, in expressions.

    MISRA C Rule 47 changed by replacing should with shall.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–3, Required] - A cvalue expression shall not be implicitly converted to a different underlying type.

    ILG: avoid expressions like s32 = s8+s8;.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–4, Required] - An implicit integral conversion shall not change the signedness of the underlying type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–5, Required] - There shall be no implicit floating-integral conversions.
  • [JSV AV Rule 184] - Floating point numbers shall not be converted to integers unless such a conversion is a specified algorithmic requirement or is necessary for a hardware interface.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–6, Required] - An implicit integral or floating-point conversion shall not reduce the size of the underlying type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–7, Required] - There shall be no explicit floating-integral conversions of a cvalue expression.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–8, Required] - An explicit integral or floating-point conversion shall not increase the size of the underlying type of a cvalue expression.

    ILG: avoid s32 = static_cast< int32_t > ( s16 + s16 );.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–9, Required] - An explicit integral conversion shall not change the signedness of the underlying type of a cvalue expression.

    ILG: avoid s8 = static_cast< int8_t >( u8 + u8 );.

  • [JSV AV Rule 180 (MISRA C Rule 43)] - Implicit conversions that may result in a loss of information shall not be used.

    Note: Templates can be used to resolve many type conversion issues. Also, any compiler flags that result in warnings for value-destroying conversions should be activated.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–10, Required] - If the bitwise operators ~ and << are applied to an operand with an underlying type of unsigned char or unsigned short, the result shall be immediately cast to the underlying type of the operand.

    ILG: prefer explicit intermediate steps, avoid result_16 = ((port_8 << 4) & mode_16) >> 6;.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–11, Required] - The plain char type shall only be used for the storage and use of character values.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–12, Required] - signed char and unsigned char type shall only be used for the storage and use of numeric values.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–13, Required] - The condition of an if-statement and the condition of an iteration-statement shall have type bool.

    ILG: avoid if (u8))

    Exception: A condition of the form type-specifier-seq declarator is not required to have type bool. This exception is introduced because alternative mechanisms for achieving the same effect are cumbersome and error-prone.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–14, Required] - The first operand of a conditional-operator shall have type bool.

    ILG: avoid int32_a = int16_b ? int32_c : int32_d;.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–15, Required] - Array indexing shall be the only form of pointer arithmetic.

    ILG: avoid pointer arithmetic.

    Exception: The increment/decrement operators may be used on iterators implemented by pointers to an array.

  • [JSV AV Rule 215 (MISRA C Rule 101)] - Pointer arithmetic will not be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–16, Required] - A pointer operand and any pointer resulting from pointer arithmetic using that operand shall both address elements of the same array.

    Exception: Objects such as containers, iterators, and allocators that manage pointer arithmetic through well-defined interfaces are acceptable.

    ILG: to avoid undefined behaviour.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–17, Required] - Subtraction between pointers shall only be applied to pointers that address elements of the same array.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–18, Required] - >, >=, <, <= shall not be applied to objects of pointer type, except where they point to the same array.
  • [JSV AV Rule 171 (MISRA C Rule 103)] - Relational operators shall not be applied to pointer types except where both operands are of the same type and point to:
    • the same object,
    • the same function,
    • members of the same object, or
    • elements of the same array (including one past the end of the same array).

    Note that if either operand is null, then both shall be null. Also, “members of the same object” should not be construed to include base class subobjects (See also AV Rule 210).

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–19, Required] - The declaration of objects shall contain no more than two levels of pointer indirection.

    ILG: do not use int8_t *** s3;.

  • [JSV AV Rule 169] - Pointers to pointers should be avoided when possible.
  • [JSV AV Rule 170 (MISRA C Rule 102, Revised)] - More than 2 levels of pointer indirection shall not be used.

    Note: This rule leaves no room for using more than 2 levels of pointer indirection. The word “shall” replaces the word “should” in MISRA C Rule 102.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–20, Required] - Non-constant operands to a binary bitwise operator shall have the same underlying type.

    ILG: avoid value_16 ^= mask_8;.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–0–21, Required] - Bitwise operators shall only be applied to operands of unsigned underlying type.

    ILG: Bitwise are not normally meaningful on signed integers.

  • [JSF AV Rule 160 (MISRA C Rule 35, Modified)] - An assignment expression shall be used only as the expression in an expression statement.

    ILG: avoid if (x=y).

  • [JSF AV Rule 167 (MISRA C Rule 41)] - The implementation of integer division in the chosen compiler shall be determined, documented and taken into account.
  • [JSV AV Rule 174 (MISRA C Rule 107)] - The null pointer shall not be de-referenced.
  • [JSV AV Rule 175] - A pointer shall not be compared to NULL or be assigned NULL; use plain 0 instead.
  • [ILG AV Rule 175] - A pointer shall not be compared to NULL or be assigned NULL; use nullptr instead.
  • [JSV AV Rule 176] - A typedef will be used to simplify program syntax when declaring function pointers.
  • [JSV AV Rule 177] - User-defined conversion functions should be avoided. See Meyers [7], item 5.
  • [JSV AV Rule 203 (MISRA C Rule 51, Revised)] - Evaluation of expressions shall not lead to overflow/underflow (unless required algorithmically and then should be heavily documented).
  • [JSV AV Rule 212] - Underflow or overflow functioning shall not be depended on in any special way.
  • [JSV AV Rule 204] - A single operation with side-effects shall only be used in the following contexts:
    1. by itself
    2. the right-hand side of an assignment
    3. a condition
    4. the only argument expression with a side-effect in a function call
    5. condition of a loop
    6. switch condition
    7. single part of a chained operation.
  • [JSV AV Rule 205] - The volatile keyword shall not be used unless directly interfacing with hardware.
  • [ILG AV Rule 205] - The volatile keyword shall not be used unless directly interfacing with hardware or with multithreaded, or foreground/interrupt applications.
  • [JSV AV Rule 214] - Assuming that non-local static objects, in separate translation units, are initialized in a special order shall not be done.

Postfix expressions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–1, Required] - Each operand of a logical && or || shall be a postfix-expression.

    ILG: The effect of this rule is to require that operands are appropriately parenthesized.

    Exception Where an expression consists of either a sequence of only logical && or a sequence of only logical   , extra parentheses are not required.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–2, Required] - A pointer to a virtual base class shall only be cast to a pointer to a derived class by means of dynamic_cast.

    ILG: Casting from a virtual base to a derived class, using any means other than dynamic_cast has undefined behaviour.

  • [JSV AV Rule 179] - A pointer to a virtual base class shall not be converted to a pointer to a derived class.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–3, Advisory] - Casts from a base class to a derived class should not be performed on polymorphic types.

    ILG: Explicit casts bypass this layer of abstraction resulting in higher levels of coupling and dependency.

  • [JSV AV Rule 178] - Down casting (casting from base to derived class) shall only be allowed through one of the following mechanism:
    • Virtual functions that act like dynamic casts (most likely useful in relatively simple cases)
    • Use of the visitor (or similar) pattern (most likely useful in complicated cases)

    Note: Type fields shall not be used as they are too error prone.

    Note: Dynamic casts are not allowed at this point due to lack of tool support, but could be considered at some point in the future after appropriate investigation has been performed for SEAL1/2 software. Dynamic casts are fine for general purpose software.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–4, Required] - C-style casts (other than void casts) and functional notation casts (other than explicit constructor calls) shall not be used.

    Exception A C-style cast to void may be used to signify that the return value for a non-void function call is being ignored (see Rule 0–1–7).

  • [JSV AV Rule 185] - C++ style casts (const_cast, reinterpret_cast, and static_cast) shall be used instead of the traditional C-style casts. See Stroustrup [2], 15.4 and Meyers [7], item 2.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–5, Required] - A cast shall not remove any const or volatile qualification from the type of a pointer or reference.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–6, Required] - A cast shall not convert a pointer to a function to any other pointer type, including a pointer to function type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–7, Required] - An object with pointer type shall not be converted to an unrelated pointer type, either directly or indirectly.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–8, Required] - An object with integer type or pointer to void type shall not be converted to an object with pointer type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–9, Advisory] - A cast should not convert a pointer type to an integral type.

    Rationale: The size of integer that is required when a pointer is converted to an integer is implementation- defined. Casting between a pointer and an integer type should be avoided where possible, but may be unavoidable when addressing memory mapped registers or other hardware specific features.

  • [JSV AV Rule 182 (MISRA C Rule 45)] - Type casting from any type to or from pointers shall not be used.

    Exception 1: Casting from void* to T* is permissible. In this case, static_cast should be used, but only if it is known that the object really is a T. Furthermore, such code should only occur in low level memory management routines.

    Exception 2: Conversion of literals (i.e. hardware addresses) to pointers.

  • [JSV AV Rule 181 (MISRA C Rule 44)] - Redundant explicit casts will not be used.
  • [JSV AV Rule 183] - Every possible measure should be taken to avoid type casting.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–10, Advisory] - The increment (++) and decrement (--) operators should not be mixed with other operators in an expression.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–11, Required] - The comma operator, && operator and the || operator shall not be overloaded.
  • [JSF AV Rule 159] - Operators   , &&, and unary & shall not be overloaded. See Meyers [7], item 7.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–2–12, Required] - An identifier with array type passed as a function argument shall not decay to a pointer.

Unary expressions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–3–1, Required] - Each operand of the ! operator, the logical && or the logical || operators shall have type bool.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–3–2, Required] - The unary minus operator shall not be applied to an expression whose underlying type is unsigned.
  • [JSF AV Rule 165 (MISRA C Rule 39)] - The unary minus operator shall not be applied to an unsigned expression.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–3–3, Required] - The unary & operator shall not be overloaded.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–3–4, Required] - Evaluation of the operand to the sizeof operator shall not contain side effects.
  • [JSF AV Rule 166 (MISRA C Rule 40)] - The sizeof operator will not be used on expressions that contain side effects.

Shift operators

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–8–1, Required] - The right hand operand of a shift operator shall lie between zero and one less than the width in bits of the underlying type of the left hand operand.
  • [JSF AV Rule 164 (MISRA C Rule 38)] - The right hand operand of a shift operator shall lie between zero and one less than the width in bits of the left-hand operand (inclusive).
  • [JSF AV Rule 164.1] - The left-hand operand of a right-shift operator shall not have a negative value.

Logical AND operator

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–14–1, Required] - The right hand operand of a logical && or || operator shall not contain side effects.
  • [JSF AV Rule 157 (MISRA C Rule 33)] - The right hand operand of a && or   operator shall not contain side effects.

    ILG: avoid if ( logical_expression && ++x).

  • [JSF AV Rule 158 (MISRA C Rule 34)] - The operands of a logical && or   shall be parenthesized if the operands contain binary operators.

    ILG: always use parenthesis.

Assignment operators

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–17–1, Required] - The semantic equivalence between a binary operator and its assignment operator form shall be preserved.
  • [JSF AV Rule 81] - The assignment operator shall handle self-assignment correctly (see Stroustrup [2])
  • [JSF AV Rule 82] - An assignment operator shall return a reference to *this.
  • [JSF AV Rule 83] - An assignment operator shall assign all data members and bases that affect the class invariant (a data element representing a cache, for example, would not need to be copied).

Comma operator

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–18–1, Required] - The comma operator shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 168 (MISRA C Rule 42, Revised)] - The comma operator shall not be used.

Constant expressions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 5–19–1, Advisory] - Evaluation of constant unsigned integer expressions should not lead to wrap-around.
  • [JSF AV Rule 149 (MISRA C Rule 19)] - Octal constants (other than zero) shall not be used.

    Note: Hexadecimal numbers and zero (which is also an octal constant) are allowed.

  • [JSF AV Rule 150] - Hexadecimal constants will be represented using all uppercase letters.
  • [JSF AV Rule 151] - Numeric values in code will not be used; symbolic values will be used instead.

    Exception: A class/structure constructor may initialize an array member with numeric values.

    Note: In many cases ‘0’ and ‘1’ are not magic numbers but are part of the fundamental logic of the code (e.g. ‘0’ often represents a NULL pointer). In such cases, ‘0’ and ‘1’ may be used.

  • [JSF AV Rule 151.1] - A string literal shall not be modified.

    Note that strictly conforming compilers should catch violations, but many do not.


Expression statement

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–2–1, Required] - Assignment operators shall not be used in sub-expressions.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–2–2, Required] - Floating-point expressions shall not be directly or indirectly tested for equality or inequality.
  • [JSV AV Rule 202 (MISRA C Rule 50)] - Floating point variables shall not be tested for exact equality or inequality.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–2–3, Required] - Before preprocessing, a null statement shall only occur on a line by itself; it may be followed by a comment, provided that the first character following the null statement is a white-space character.

Compound statement

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–3–1, Required] - The statement forming the body of a switch, while, do … while or for statement shall be a compound statement.

Selection statements

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–1, Required] - An if ( condition ) construct shall be followed by a compound statement. The else keyword shall be followed by either a compound statement, or another if statement.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–2, Required] - All if … else if constructs shall be terminated with an else clause.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–3, Required] - A switch statement shall be a well-formed switch statement.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–4, Required] - A switch-label shall only be used when the most closely-enclosing compound statement is the body of a switch statement.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–5, Required] - An unconditional throw or break statement shall terminate every non-empty switch-clause.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–6, Required] - The final clause of a switch statement shall be the default-clause.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–7, Required] - The condition of a switch statement shall not have bool type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–4–8, Required] - Every switch statement shall have at least one case-clause.
  • [JSV AV Rule 188 (MISRA C Rule 55, Revised)] - Labels will not be used, except in switch statements.
  • [JSV AV Rule 189 (MISRA C Rule 56)] - The goto statement shall not be used.

    Exception: A goto may be used to break out of multiple nested loops provided the alternative would obscure or otherwise significantly complicate the control logic.

  • [JSV AV Rule 190 (MISRA C Rule 57)] - The continue statement shall not be used.
  • [JSV AV Rule 191 (MISRA C Rule 58)] - The break statement shall not be used (except to terminate the cases of a switch statement).

    Exception: The break statement may be used to “break” out of a single loop provided the alternative would obscure or otherwise significantly complicate the control logic.

  • [JSV AV Rule 192 (MISRA C Rule 60, Revised)] - All if, else if constructs will contain either a final else clause or a comment indicating why a final else clause is not necessary.

    Note: This rule only applies when an if statement is followed by one or more else if’s.

  • [JSV AV Rule 193 (MISRA C Rule 61)] - Every non-empty case clause in a switch statement shall be terminated with a break statement.
  • [JSV AV Rule 194 (MISRA C Rule 62, Revised)] - All switch statements that do not intend to test for every enumeration value shall contain a final default clause.

    MISRA revised with shall replacing should.

  • [JSV AV Rule 195 (MISRA C Rule 63)] - A switch expression will not represent a Boolean value.
  • [JSV AV Rule 196 (MISRA C Rule 64, Revised)] - Every switch statement will have at least two cases and a potential default.

Iteration statements

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–5–1, Required] - A for loop shall contain a single loop-counter which shall not have floating type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–5–2, Required] - If loop-counter is not modified by -- or ++, then, within condition, the loop-counter shall only be used as an operand to <=, <, > or >=.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–5–3, Required] - The loop-counter shall not be modified within condition or statement.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–5–4, Required] - The loop-counter shall be modified by one of: --, ++, -=n, or +=n; where n remains constant for the duration of the loop.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–5–5, Required] - A loop-control-variable other than the loop-counter shall not be modified within condition or expression.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–5–6, Required] - A loop-control-variable other than the loop-counter which is modified in statement shall have type bool.
  • [JSV AV Rule 197 (MISRA C Rule 65)] - Floating point variables shall not be used as loop counters.
  • [JSV AV Rule 198] - The initialization expression in a for loop will perform no actions other than to initialize the value of a single for loop parameter.

    Note that the initialization expression may invoke an accessor that returns an initial element in a sequence:

  • [JSV AV Rule 199] - The increment expression in a for loop will perform no action other than to change a single loop parameter to the next value for the loop.
  • [JSV AV Rule 200] - Null initialize or increment expressions in for loops will not be used; a while loop will be used instead.
  • [JSV AV Rule 201 (MISRA C Rule 67, Revised)] - Numeric variables being used within a for loop for iteration counting shall not be modified in the body of the loop.

    MISRA C Rule 67 was revised by changing should to shall.

Jump statements

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–6–1, Required] - Any label referenced by a goto statement shall be declared in the same block, or in a block enclosing the goto statement.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–6–2, Required] - The goto statement shall jump to a label declared later in the same function body.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–6–3, Required] - The continue statement shall only be used within a well-formed for loop.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–6–4, Required] - For any iteration statement there shall be no more than one break or goto statement used for loop termination.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 6–6–5, Required] - A function shall have a single point of exit at the end of the function.



  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–1–1, Required] - A variable which is not modified shall be const qualified.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–1–2, Required] - A pointer or reference parameter in a function shall be declared as pointer to const or reference to const if the corresponding object is not modified.

Enumeration declarations

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–2–1, Required] - An expression with enum underlying type shall only have values corresponding to the enumerators of the enumeration.


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–3–1, Required] - The global namespace shall only contain main, namespace declarations and extern “C” declarations.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–3–2, Required] - The identifier main shall not be used for a function other than the global function main.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–3–3, Required] - There shall be no unnamed namespaces in header files.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–3–4, Required] - using-directives shall not be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–3–5, Required] - Multiple declarations for an identifier in the same namespace shall not straddle a using-declaration for that identifier.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–3–6, Required] - using-directives and using-declarations (excluding class scope or function scope using-declarations) shall not be used in header files.
  • [JSF AV Rule 98] - Every nonlocal name, except main(), should be placed in some namespace. See Stroustrup [2], 8.2.
  • [JSF AV Rule 99] - Namespaces will not be nested more than two levels deep.
  • [JSF AV Rule 100] - Elements from a namespace should be selected as follows:
    • using declaration or explicit qualification for few (approximately five) names,
    • using directive for many names.

The asm declaration

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–4–1, Document] - All usage of assembler shall be documented.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–4–2, Required] - Assembler instructions shall only be introduced using the asm declaration.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–4–3, Required] - Assembly language shall be encapsulated and isolated.

Linkage specifications

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–5–1, Required] - A function shall not return a reference or a pointer to an automatic variable (including parameters), defined within the function.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–5–2, Required] - The address of an object with automatic storage shall not be assigned to another object that may persist after the first object has ceased to exist.
  • [JSV AV Rule 173 (MISRA C Rule 106, Revised)] - The address of an object with automatic storage shall not be assigned to an object which persists after the object has ceased to exist.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–5–3, Required] - A function shall not return a reference or a pointer to a parameter that is passed by reference or const reference.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 7–5–4, Advisory] - Functions should not call themselves, either directly or indirectly.



  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–0–1, Required] - An init-declarator-list or a member-declarator-list shall consist of a single init-declarator or member-declarator respectively.
  • [JSF AV Rule 135 (MISRA C Rule 21, Revised)] - Identifiers in an inner scope shall not use the same name as an identifier in an outer scope, and therefore hide that identifier.
  • [JSF AV Rule 136 (MISRA C Rule 22, Revised)] - Declarations should be at the smallest feasible scope. (See also AV Rule 143).
  • [JSF AV Rule 137 (MISRA C Rule 23)] - All declarations at file scope should be static where possible.
  • [JSF AV Rule 138 (MISRA C Rule 24)] - Identifiers shall not simultaneously have both internal and external linkage in the same translation unit.
  • [JSF AV Rule 139 (MISRA C Rule 27)] - External objects will not be declared in more than one file. (See also AV Rule 39.)
  • [JSF AV Rule 140 (MISRA C Rule 28, Revised)] - The register storage class specifier shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 141] - A class, structure, or enumeration will not be declared in the definition of its type.

Meaning of declarators

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–3–1, Required] - Parameters in an overriding virtual function shall either use the same default arguments as the function they override, or else shall not specify any default arguments.

Function definitions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–4–1, Required] - Functions shall not be defined using the ellipsis notation.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–4–2, Required] - The identifiers used for the parameters in a re-declaration of a function shall be identical to those in the declaration.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–4–3, Required] - All exit paths from a function with non-void return type shall have an explicit return statement with an expression.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–4–4, Required] - A function identifier shall either be used to call the function or it shall be preceded by &.
  • [JSF AV Rule 58] - When declaring and defining functions with more than two parameters, the leading parenthesis and the first argument will be written on the same line as the function name. Each additional argument will be written on a separate line (with the closing parenthesis directly after the last argument).
  • [JSF AV Rule 107 (MISRA C Rule 68)] - Functions shall always be declared at file scope.
  • [JSF AV Rule 108 (MISRA C Rule 69)] - Functions with variable numbers of arguments shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 109] - A function definition should not be placed in a class specification unless the function is intended to be inlined.
  • [JSF AV Rule 110] - Functions with more than 7 arguments will not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 111] - A function shall not return a pointer or reference to a non-static local object.
  • [JSF AV Rule 112] - Function return values should not obscure resource ownership.
  • [JSF AV Rule 113 (MISRA C Rule 82, Revised)] - Functions will have a single exit point.

    Exception: A single exit is not required if such a structure would obscure or otherwise significantly complicate (such as the introduction of additional variables) a function’s control logic. Note that the usual resource clean-up must be managed at all exit points.

  • [JSF AV Rule 114 (MISRA C Rule 83, Revised)] - All exit points of value-returning functions shall be through return statements.
  • [JSF AV Rule 115 (MISRA C Rule 86)] - If a function returns error information, then that error information will be tested.
  • [JSF AV Rule 116] - Small, concrete-type arguments (two or three words in size) should be passed by value if changes made to formal parameters should not be reflected in the calling function.
  • [JSF AV Rule 117] - Arguments should be passed by reference if NULL values are not possible:
    • [JSF AV Rule 117.1] - An object should be passed as const T& if the function should not change the value of the object.
    • [JSF AV Rule 117.2] - An object should be passed as T& if the function may change the value of the object.
  • [JSF AV Rule 118] - Arguments should be passed via pointers if NULL values are possible:
    • [JSF AV Rule 118.1] - An object should be passed as const T* if its value should not be modified.
    • [JSF AV Rule 118.2] - An object should be passed as T* if its value may be modified.
  • [JSF AV Rule 119 (MISRA C Rule 70)] - Functions shall not call themselves, either directly or indirectly (i.e. recursion shall not be allowed).

    Exception: Recursion will be permitted under the following circumstances:

    1. development of SEAL 3 or general purpose software, or
    2. it can be proven that adequate resources exist to support the maximum level of recursion possible.
  • [JSF AV Rule 120] - Overloaded operations or methods should form families that use the same semantics, share the same name, have the same purpose, and that are differentiated by formal parameters.
  • [JSF AV Rule 121] - Only functions with 1 or 2 statements should be considered candidates for inline functions.
  • [JSF AV Rule 122] - Trivial accessor and mutator functions should be inlined.
  • [JSF AV Rule 123] - The number of accessor and mutator functions should be minimised.
  • [JSF AV Rule 124] - Trivial forwarding functions should be inlined.

Declarators - Initialisers

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–5–1, Required] - All variables shall have a defined value before they are used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–5–2, Required] - Braces shall be used to indicate and match the structure in the non- zero initialization of arrays and structures.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 8–5–3, Required] - In an enumerator list, the = construct shall not be used to explicitly initialize members other than the first, unless all items are explicitly initialized.
  • [JSF AV Rule 142 (MISRA C Rule 30, Revised)] - All variables shall be initialized before use. (See also AV Rule 136, AV Rule 71, and AV Rule 73, and AV Rule 143 concerning declaration scope, object construction, default constructors, and the point of variable introduction respectively.)

    Exception: Exceptions are allowed where a name must be introduced before it can be initialized (e.g. value received via an input stream).

  • [JSF AV Rule 143] - Variables will not be introduced until they can be initialized with meaningful values. (See also AV Rule 136, AV Rule 142, and AV Rule 73 concerning declaration scope, initialization before use, and default constructors respectively.)
  • [JSF AV Rule 144 (MISRA C Rule 31)] - Braces shall be used to indicate and match the structure in the non-zero initialization of arrays and structures.
  • [JSF AV Rule 145 (MISRA C Rule 32)] - In an enumerator list, the ‘=‘ construct shall not be used to explicitly initialize members other than the first, unless all items are explicitly initialised.


Member functions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–3–1, Required] - const member functions shall not return non-const pointers or references to class-data.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–3–2, Required] - Member functions shall not return non-const handles to class-data.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–3–3, Required] - If a member function can be made static then it shall be made static, otherwise if it can be made const then it shall be made const.
  • [JSF AV Rule 68] - Unneeded implicitly generated member functions shall be explicitly disallowed. See Meyers [6], item 27.

    Note: If the copy constructor is explicitly disallowed, the assignment operator should be as well.


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–5–1, Required] - Unions shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 153 (MISRA C Rule 110, Revised)] - Unions shall not be used.


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–6–1, Document] - When the absolute positioning of bits representing a bit-field is required, then the behaviour and packing of bit-fields shall be documented.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–6–2, Required] - Bit-fields shall be either bool type or an explicitly unsigned or signed integral type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–6–3, Required] - Bit-fields shall not have enum type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 9–6–4, Required] - Named bit-fields with signed integer type shall have a length of more than one bit.
  • [JSF AV Rule 154 (MISRA Rules 111 and 112, Revised)] - Bit-fields shall have explicitly unsigned integral or enumeration types only.

    Note: MISRA C Rule 112 no longer applies since it discusses a two-bit minimum-length requirement for bit-fields of signed types.

  • [JSF AV Rule 155] - Bit-fields will not be used to pack data into a word for the sole purpose of saving space.

    Note: Bit-packing should be reserved for use in interfacing to hardware or conformance to communication protocols.

    Warning: Certain aspects of bit-field manipulation are implementation-defined.

  • [JSF AV Rule 156 (MISRA C Rule 113)] - All the members of a structure (or class) shall be named and shall only be accessed via their names.

    Exception: An unnamed bit-field of width zero may be used to specify alignment of the next bit-field at an allocation boundary. [10], 9.6(2)

Derived classes

Multiple base classes

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 10–1–1, Advisory] - Classes should not be derived from virtual bases.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 10–1–2, Required] - A base class shall only be declared virtual if it is used in a diamond hierarchy.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 10–1–3, Required] - An accessible base class shall not be both virtual and non-virtual in the same hierarchy.

Member name lookup

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 10–2–1, Advisory] - All accessible entity names within a multiple inheritance hierarchy should be unique.

Virtual functions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 10–3–1, Required] - There shall be no more than one definition of each virtual function on each path through the inheritance hierarchy.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 10–3–2, Required] - Each overriding virtual function shall be declared with the virtual keyword.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 10–3–3, Required] - A virtual function shall only be overridden by a pure virtual function if it is itself declared as pure virtual.
  • [JSF AV Rule 97.1] - Neither operand of an equality operator (== or !=) shall be a pointer to a virtual member function.

Member access control


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 11–0–1, Required] - Member data in non-POD class types shall be private.
  • [JSF AV Rule 57] - The public, protected, and private sections of a class will be declared in that order (the public section is declared before the protected section which is declared before the private section).
  • [JSF AV Rule 65] - A structure should be used to model an entity that does not require an invariant.
  • [JSF AV Rule 66] - A class should be used to model an entity that maintains an invariant.
  • [JSF AV Rule 67] - Public and protected data should only be used in structs - not classes.

    Exception: Protected members may be used in a class as long as that class does not participate in a client interface. See AV Rule 88.

Special member functions


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 12–1–1, Required] - An object’s dynamic type shall not be used from the body of its constructor or destructor.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 12–1–2, Advisory] - All constructors of a class should explicitly call a constructor for all of its immediate base classes and all virtual base classes.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 12–1–3, Required] - All constructors that are callable with a single argument of fundamental type shall be declared explicit.
  • [JSF AV Rule 70.1] - An object shall not be improperly used before its lifetime begins or after its lifetime ends.
  • [JSF AV Rule 71] - Calls to an externally visible operation of an object, other than its constructors, shall not be allowed until the object has been fully initialised.
  • [JSF AV Rule 71.1] - A class’s virtual functions shall not be invoked from its destructor or any of its constructors.
  • [JSF AV Rule 72] - The invariant for a class should be:
    • a part of the postcondition of every class constructor,
    • a part of the precondition of the class destructor (if any),
    • a part of the precondition and postcondition of every other publicly accessible operation.
  • [JSF AV Rule 73] - Unnecessary default constructors shall not be defined. See Meyers [7], item 4. (See also AV Rule 143).
  • [JSF AV Rule 74] - Initialization of nonstatic class members will be performed through the member initialisation list rather than through assignment in the body of a constructor. See Meyers [6], item 12.

    Exception: Assignment should be used when an initial value cannot be represented by a simple expression (e.g. initialization of array values), or when a name must be introduced before it can be initialized (e.g. value received via an input stream).

  • [JSF AV Rule 75] - Members of the initialization list shall be listed in the order in which they are declared in the class. See Stroustrup [2], 10.4.5 and Meyers [6], item 13.

    Note: Since base class members are initialised before derived class members, base class initializers should appear at the beginning of the member initialization list.

  • [JSF AV Rule 76] - A copy constructor and an assignment operator shall be declared for classes that contain pointers to data items or nontrivial destructors. See Meyers [6], item 11.

    Note: See also AV Rule 80 which indicates that default copy and assignment operators are preferable when those operators offer reasonable semantics.

  • [JSF AV Rule 77] - A copy constructor shall copy all data members and bases that affect the class invariant (a data element representing a cache, for example, would not need to be copied).

    Note: If a reference counting mechanism is employed by a class, a literal copy need not be performed in every case. See also AV Rule 83.

  • [JSF AV Rule 77.1] - The definition of a member function shall not contain default arguments that produce a signature identical to that of the implicitly-declared copy constructor for the corresponding class/structure.
  • [JSF AV Rule 78] - All base classes with a virtual function shall define a virtual destructor.

    Note: This rule does not imply the use of dynamic memory (allocation/deallocation from the free store) will be used. See AV Rule 206.

  • [JSF AV Rule 79] - All resources acquired by a class shall be released by the class’s destructor. See Stroustrup [2], 14.4 and Meyers [7], item 9.
  • [JSF AV Rule 80] - The default copy and assignment operators will be used for classes when those operators offer reasonable semantics.

Copying class objects

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 12–8–1, Required] - A copy constructor shall only initialize its base classes and the non- static members of the class of which it is a member.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 12–8–2, Required] - The copy assignment operator shall be declared protected or private in an abstract class.


The following guidelines provided by Stroustrup[2], 13.8, offer advice when to prefer the use of templates over the use of inheritance:

  1. Prefer a template over derived classes when run-time efficiency is at a premium.
  2. Prefer derived classes over a template if adding new variants without recompilation is important.
  3. Prefer a template over derived classes when no common base can be defined.
  4. Prefer a template over derived classes when built-in types and structures with compatibility constraints are important.

Template declarations

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–5–1, Required] - A non-member generic function shall only be declared in a namespace that is not an associated namespace.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–5–2, Required] - A copy constructor shall be declared when there is a template constructor with a single parameter that is a generic parameter.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–5–3, Required] - A copy assignment operator shall be declared when there is a template assignment operator with a parameter that is a generic parameter.
  • [JSF AV Rule 101] - Templates shall be reviewed as follows:
    1. with respect to the template in isolation considering assumptions or requirements placed on its arguments.
    2. with respect to all functions instantiated by actual arguments.

    Note: The compiler should be configured to generate the list of actual template instantiations.

  • [JSF AV Rule 102] - Template tests shall be created to cover all actual template instantiations.

    Note: The compiler should be configured to generate the list of actual template instantiations.

  • [JSF AV Rule 103] - Constraint checks should be applied to template arguments.

Name resolution

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–6–1, Required] - In a class template with a dependent base, any name that may be found in that dependent base shall be referred to using a qualified-id or this->.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–6–2, Required] - The function chosen by overload resolution shall resolve to a function declared previously in the translation unit.

Template instantiation and specialisation

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–7–1, Required] - All class templates, function templates, class template member functions and class template static members shall be instantiated at least once.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–7–2, Required] - For any given template specialization, an explicit instantiation of the template with the template-arguments used in the specialization shall not render the program ill-formed.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–7–3, Required] - All partial and explicit specializations for a template shall be declared in the same file as the declaration of their primary template.
  • [JSF AV Rule 104] - A template specialization shall be declared before its use. See Stroustrup [2], 13.5.
  • [JSF AV Rule 105] - A template definition’s dependence on its instantiation contexts should be minimized. See Stroustrup [2], 13.2.5 and C.13.8.
  • [JSF AV Rule 106] - Specializations for pointer types should be made where appropriate. See Stroustrup [2], 13.5.

Function template specialisation

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–8–1, Required] - Overloaded function templates shall not be explicitly specialized.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 14–8–2, Advisory] - The viable function set for a function call should either contain no function specializations, or only contain function specialisations.

Exception handling


  • [JSV AV Rule 208] - C++ exceptions shall not be used (i.e. throw, catch and try shall not be used.)
  • [ILG Rule] - C++ exceptions should not be used (to be decided).
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–0–1, Document] - Exceptions shall only be used for error handling.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–0–2, Advisory] - An exception object should not have pointer type.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–0–3, Required] - Control shall not be transferred into a try or catch block using a goto or a switch statement.

Throwing an exception

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–1–1, Required] - The assignment-expression of a throw statement shall not itself cause an exception to be thrown.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–1–2, Required] - NULL shall not be thrown explicitly.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–1–3, Required] - An empty throw (throw;) shall only be used in the compound-statement of a catch handler.

Handling an exception

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–3–1, Required] - Exceptions shall be raised only after start-up and before termination of the program.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–3–2, Advisory] - There should be at least one exception handler to catch all otherwise unhandled exceptions.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–3–3, Required] - Handlers of a function-try-block implementation of a class constructor or destructor shall not reference non-static members from this class or its bases.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–3–4, Required] - Each exception explicitly thrown in the code shall have a handler of a compatible type in all call paths that could lead to that point.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–3–5, Required] - A class type exception shall always be caught by reference.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–3–6, Required] - Where multiple handlers are provided in a single try-catch statement or function-try-block for a derived class and some or all of its bases, the handlers shall be ordered most-derived to base class.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–3–7, Required] - Where multiple handlers are provided in a single try-catch statement or function-try-block, any ellipsis (catch-all) handler shall occur last.

Exception specifications

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–4–1, Required] - If a function is declared with an exception-specification, then all declarations of the same function (in other translation units) shall be declared with the same set of type-ids.

Special functions

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–5–1, Required] - A class destructor shall not exit with an exception.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–5–2, Required] - Where a function’s declaration includes an exception-specification, the function shall only be capable of throwing exceptions of the indicated type(s).
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 15–5–3, Required] - The terminate() function shall not be called implicitly.

Preprocessing directives


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–1, Required] - #include directives in a file shall only be preceded by other preprocessor directives or comments.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–2, Required] - Macros shall only be #define’d or #undef’d in the global namespace.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–3, Required] - #undef shall not be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–4, Required] - Function-like macros shall not be defined.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–5, Required] - Arguments to a function-like macro shall not contain tokens that look like preprocessing directives.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–6, Required] - In the definition of a function-like macro, each instance of a parameter shall be enclosed in parentheses, unless it is used as the operand of # or ##.
  • [JSF AV Rule 29] - The #define pre-processor directive shall not be used to create inline macros. Inline functions shall be used instead.
  • [JSF AV Rule 30] - The #define pre-processor directive shall not be used to define constant values. Instead, the const qualifier shall be applied to variable declarations to specify constant values.

    The only exception to this rule is for constants that are commonly defined by third-party modules. For example, #define is typically used to define NULL in standard header files. Consequently, NULL may be treated as a macro for compatibility with third-party tools.

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–7, Required] - Undefined macro identifiers shall not be used in #if or #elif preprocessor directives, except as operands to the defined operator.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–0–8, Required] - If the # token appears as the first token on a line, then it shall be immediately followed by a preprocessing token.
  • [JSF AV Rule 26] - Only the following pre-processor directives shall be used:
    1. #ifndef
    2. #define
    3. #endif
    4. #include
  • [JSF AV Rule 27] - #ifndef, #define and #endif will be used to prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file. Other techniques to prevent the multiple inclusions of header files will not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 28] - The #ifndef and #endif pre-processor directives will only be used as defined in AV Rule 27 to prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file.
  • [JSF AV Rule 31] - The #define pre-processor directive will only be used as part of the technique to prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file.

Conditional inclusion

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–1–1, Required] - The defined preprocessor operator shall only be used in one of the two standard forms.
 defined ( identifier )
 defined identifier
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–1–2, Required] - All #else, #elif and #endif preprocessor directives shall reside in the same file as the #if or #ifdef directive to which they are related.

Source file inclusion

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–2–1, Required] - The pre-processor shall only be used for file inclusion and include guards.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–2–2, Required] - C++ macros shall only be used for: include guards, type qualifiers, or storage class specifiers.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–2–3, Required] - Include guards shall be provided.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–2–4, Required] - The ‘, “, /* or // characters shall not occur in a header file name.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–2–5, Advisory] - The \ character should not occur in a header file name.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–2–6, Required] - The #include directive shall be followed by either a ** or *"filename"* sequence.
  • [JSF AV Rule 32] - The #include pre-processor directive will only be used to include header (*.h) files.

    Exception: I the case of template class or function definitions, the code may be partitioned into separate header and implementation files. In this case, the implementation file may be included as a part of the header file. The implementation file is logically a part of the header and is not separately compilable.

  • [JSF AV Rule 33] - The #include directive shall use the notation to include header files.
  • [JSF AV Rule 34] - Header files should contain logically related declarations only.
  • [JSF AV Rule 35] - A header file will contain a mechanism that prevents multiple inclusions of itself.
  • [JSF AV Rule 36] - Compilation dependencies should be minimized when possible. (Stroustrup [2], Meyers [6], item 34)
  • [JSF AV Rule 37] - Header (include) files should include only those header files that are required for them to successfully compile. Files that are only used by the associated .cpp file should be placed in the .cpp file - not the .h file.
  • [JSF AV Rule 38] - Declarations of classes that are only accessed via pointers (*) or references (&) should be supplied by forward headers that contain only forward declarations.
  • [JSF AV Rule 39] - Header files (*.h) will not contain non-const variable definitions or function definitions.

    Exception: Inline functions and template definitions may be included in header files.

  • [JSF AV Rule 40] - Every implementation file shall include the header files that uniquely define the inline functions, types, and templates used.

Macro replacement

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–3–1, Required] - There shall be at most one occurrence of the # or ## operators in a single macro definition.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–3–2, Advisory] - The # and ## operators should not be used.

Pragma directive

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 16–6–1, Document] - All uses of the #pragma directive shall be documented.

Library introduction - General

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 17–0–1, Required] - Reserved identifiers, macros and functions in the standard library shall not be defined, redefined or undefined.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 17–0–2, Required] - The names of standard library macros and objects shall not be reused.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 17–0–3, Required] - The names of standard library functions shall not be overridden.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 17–0–4, Document] - All library code shall conform to MISRA C++.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 17–0–5, Required] - The setjmp macro and the longjmp function shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 20 (MISRA C Rule 122)] - The setjmp macro and the longjmp function shall not be used. (duplicate)

Language support library


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–0–1, Required] - The C library shall not be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–0–2, Required] - The library functions atof, atoi and atol from library ** **shall not** be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 23 (MISRA C Rule 125] - The library functions atof, atoi and atol from library **shall not** be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–0–3, Required] - The library functions abort, exit, getenv and system from library ** **shall not** be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 24 (MISRA C Rule 126] - The library functions abort, exit, getenv and system from library **shall not** be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–0–4, Required] - The time handling functions of library ** **shall not** be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 25 (MISRA C Rule 127] - The time handling functions of library **shall not** be used.
  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–0–5, Required] - The unbounded functions of library ** **shall not** be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 19 (MISRA C Rule 121)] - and the *setlocale* function **shall not** be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 16] - Only DO-178B level A [15] - certifiable or SEAL 1 C/C++ libraries shall be used with safety-critical (i.e. SEAL 1) code [13].

Implementation properties

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–2–1, Required] - The macro offsetof shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 18 (MISRA C Rule 120)] - The macro offsetof, in library , **shall not** be used.

Dynamic memory management

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–4–1, Required] - Dynamic heap memory allocation shall not be used.
  • [JSV AV Rule 206 (MISRA C Rule 118, Revised)] - Allocation/deallocation from/to the free store (heap) shall not occur after initialization.

    Note that the “placement” operator new(), although not technically dynamic memory, may only be used in low-level memory management routines. See AV Rule 70.1 for object lifetime issues associated with placement operator new().

  • [JSV AV Rule 207] - Unencapsulated global data will be avoided.

    Note: If multiple clients require access to a single resource, that resource should be wrapped in a class that manages access to that resource. For example, semantic controls that prohibit unrestricted access may be provided (e.g. singletons and input streams). See AV_Rule_207_Appendix_A for examples.

Other runtime support

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 18–7–1, Required] - The signal handling facilities of ** **shall not** be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 21 (MISRA C Rule 123)] - The signal handling facilities of **shall not** be used.

Diagnostics library

Error numbers

  • [MISRA C++ Rule 19–3–1, Required] - The error indicator errno shall not be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 17 (MISRA C Rule 119)] - The error indicator errno shall not be used. (duplicate)

    Exception: If there is no other reasonable way to communicate an error condition to an application, then errno may be used. For example, third party math libraries will often make use of errno to inform an application of underflow/overflow or out-of-range/domain conditions. Even in this case, errno should only be used if its design and implementation are well-defined and documented.

Input/output library


  • [MISRA C++ Rule 27–0–1, Required] - The stream input/output library ** **shall not** be used.
  • [JSF AV Rule 22 (MISRA C Rule 124, Revised)] - The input/output library **shall not** be used.


Code Size and Complexity

  • [JSF AV Rule 1] - Any one function (or method) will contain no more than 200 logical source lines of code (L- SLOCs).
  • [JSF AV Rule 2] - There shall not be any self-modifying code.
  • [JSF AV Rule 3] - All functions shall have a cyclomatic complexity number of 20 or less.

    Exception: A function containing a switch statement with many case labels may exceed this limit.


  • [JSF AV Rule 41] - Source lines will be kept to a length of 120 characters or less.
  • [ILG Rule, Advisory] - Source lines should be kept to a length of 80 characters or less.
  • [JSF AV Rule 42] - Each expression-statement will be on a separate line.
  • [JSF AV Rule 43] - Tabs should be avoided.
  • [JSF AV Rule 44] - All indentations will be at least two spaces and be consistent within the same source file.
  • [JSF AV Rule 59 (MISRA C Rule 59, Revised)] - The statements forming the body of an if, else if, else, while, do…while or for statement shall always be enclosed in braces, even if the braces form an empty block.
  • [JSF AV Rule 60] - Braces (“{}”) which enclose a block will be placed in the same column, on separate lines directly before and after the block.
  • [JSF AV Rule 61] - Braces (“{}”) which enclose a block will have nothing else on the line except comments (if necessary).
  • [ILG Rule] - Indentation shall be consistent for all source files of a project.
  • [ILG Rule, Advisory] - The indentation style should be the GNU Style, preferably as implemented by default, without changes, by the IDE used for development (for example Eclipse CDT)
  • [JSF AV Rule 62] - The dereference operator ‘*’ and the address-of operator ‘&’ will be directly connected with the type-specifier.
  • [JSF AV Rule 63] - Spaces will not be used around ‘.’ or ‘->’, nor between unary operators and operands.
  • [JSF AV Rule 152] - Multiple variable declarations shall not be allowed on the same line.
  • [JSV AV Rule 216] - Programmers should not attempt to prematurely optimize code. See Meyers [7], item 16.

    Note: This rule does not preclude early consideration of fundamental algorithmic and data structure efficiencies.

    See also AV Rule 125 and AV Rule 177 for performance recommendations.

  • [JSV AV Rule 218] - Compiler warning levels will be set in compliance with project policies.
  • [ILG Rule, Advisory] - Compiler warning levels should be set to maximum.

Naming Files

  • [JSF AV Rule 53] - Header files will always have a file name extension of “.h”.
  • [JSF AV Rule 53.1] - The following character sequences shall not appear in header file names: ‘, \, /*, //, or “.
  • [JSF AV Rule 54] - Implementation files will always have a file name extension of “.cpp”.
  • [JSF AV Rule 55] - The name of a header file should reflect the logical entity for which it provides declarations.
  • [JSF AV Rule 56] - The name of an implementation file should reflect the logical entity for which it provides definitions and have a “.cpp” extension (this name will normally be identical to the header file that provides the corresponding declarations.)

    At times, more than one .cpp file for a given logical entity will be required. In these cases, a suffix should be appended to reflect a logical differentiation.


  • [JSF AV Rule 64] - A class interface should be complete and minimal. See Meyers [6], item 18.
  • [JSF AV Rule 69] - A member function that does not affect the state of an object (its instance variables) will be declared const.

    Member functions should be const by default. Only when there is a clear, explicit reason should the const modifier on member functions be omitted.

  • [JSF AV Rule 70] - A class will have friends only when a function or object requires access to the private elements of the class, but is unable to be a member of the class for logical or efficiency reasons.
  • [JSF AV Rule 84] - Operator overloading will be used sparingly and in a conventional manner.
  • [JSF AV Rule 85] - When two operators are opposites (such as == and !=), both will be defined and one will be defined in terms of the other.


Class hierarchies are appropriate when run-time selection of implementation is required. If run-time resolution is not required, template parameterization should be considered (templates are better-behaved and faster than virtual functions). Finally, simple independent concepts should be expressed as concrete types. The method selected to express the solution should be commensurate with the complexity of the problem.

The following rules provide additional detail and guidance when considering the structure of inheritance hierarchies.

  • [JSF AV Rule 86] - Concrete types should be used to represent simple independent concepts. See Stroustrup [2], 25.2.
  • [JSF AV Rule 87] - Hierarchies should be based on abstract classes. See Stroustrup [2], 12.5.
  • [JSF AV Rule 88] - Multiple inheritance shall only be allowed in the following restricted form: n interfaces plus m private implementations, plus at most one protected implementation.
  • [JSF AV Rule 88.1] - A stateful virtual base shall be explicitly declared in each derived class that accesses it.
  • [JSF AV Rule 89] - A base class shall not be both virtual and non-virtual in the same hierarchy.
  • [JSF AV Rule 90] - Heavily used interfaces should be minimal, general and abstract. See Stroustrup [2] 23.4.
  • [JSF AV Rule 91] - Public inheritance will be used to implement “is-a” relationships. See Meyers [6], item 35.
  • [JSF AV Rule 92] - A subtype (publicly derived classes) will conform to the following guidelines with respect to all classes involved in the polymorphic assignment of different subclass instances to the same variable or parameter during the execution of the system:
    • Preconditions of derived methods must be at least as weak as the preconditions of the methods they override.
    • Postconditions of derived methods must be at least as strong as the postconditions of the methods they override.

    In other words, subclass methods must expect less and deliver more than the base class methods they override. This rule implies that subtypes will conform to the Liskov Substitution Principle.

  • [JSF AV Rule 93] - “has-a” or “is-implemented-in-terms-of” relationships will be modeled through membership or non-public inheritance. See Meyers [6], item 40.
  • [JSF AV Rule 94] - An inherited nonvirtual function shall not be redefined in a derived class. See Meyers [6], item 37.
  • [JSF AV Rule 95] - An inherited default parameter shall never be redefined. See Meyers [6], item 38.
  • [JSF AV Rule 96] - Arrays shall not be treated polymorphically. See Meyers [7], item 3.
  • [JSF AV Rule 97] - Arrays shall not be used in interfaces. Instead, the Array class should be used.
  • [JSV AV Rule 219] - All tests applied to a base class interface shall be applied to all derived class interfaces as well. If the derived class poses stronger postconditions/invariants, then the new postconditions /invariants shall be substituted in the derived class tests.

    Note: This rule will often imply that every test case appearing in the set of test cases associated with a class will also appear in the set of test cases associated with each of its derived classes.

  • [JSV AV Rule 220] - Structural coverage algorithms shall be applied against flattened classes.

    Note: When a class is viewed with respect to all of its components (both defined at the derived level as well as inherited from all of its base levels) it is said to be flattened.

  • [JSV AV Rule 221] - Structural coverage of a class within an inheritance hierarchy containing virtual functions shall include testing every possible resolution for each set of identical polymorphic references.

Data Representation

  • [JSV AV Rule 210] - Algorithms shall not make assumptions concerning how data is represented in memory (e.g. big endian vs. little endian, base class subobject ordering in derived classes, nonstatic data member ordering across access specifiers, etc.)

    Exception: Low level routines that are expressly written for the purpose of data formatting (e.g. marshalling data, endian conversions, etc.) are permitted.

  • [JSV AV Rule 210.1] - Algorithms shall not make assumptions concerning the order of allocation of nonstatic data members separated by an access specifier. See also AV Rule 210 on data representation.
  • [JSV AV Rule 211] - Algorithms shall not assume that shorts, ints, longs, floats, doubles or long doubles begin at particular addresses.

    Exception: Low level routines that are expressly written for the purpose of data formatting (e.g. marshalling data, endian conversions, etc.) are permitted.