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As a highly configurable system, µOS++ makes extensive use of preprocessor variables and conditional compilation. In fact it is highly recommended that all decision that can be made at build time, to be done with configuration variables.
There are many types of configuration variables, some defined by the application and needed to configure various components of the system, and some computed by the system and presented to the application.
From another point of view, some variables are used to configure release code, and others are used to define debug specific configurations.
All debug build configurations should include the DEBUG=1 definition, added by the Eclipse CDT managed builder to all compile steps:
g++ ... -DDEBUG=1
This definition is used for conditional compiling as usual:
#if defined(DEBUG)
#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */
Notice: Although the actual value of the DEBUG variable is not relevant, since only the existence of the definition is checked, it is recommended to avoid empty definitions and always use the value of 1.
Enabling more specific configurations is done with more specific definitions. The specific condition may apply to a group of classes, to a certain class or to a certain method of a class. In addition to the condition, the convention to name these definitions may hierarchically include the class name and eventually the method name:
#define OS_DEBUG_MYCLASS (1)
The name MYCLASS is the full class name, converted to uppercase. Similarly MYMETHOD is the full name of the method where the definition applies.
Example of such definitions are
When checking for the presence of such definitions, it is recommended to combine the specific definitions with the generic definition of DEBUG:
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(OS_DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS)
#endif /* defined(DEBUG) && defined(OS_DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS) */
These are variables intended to help the programmer taylor the build according to some generally agreed criteria. For example, based on the board definition, passed to the build mechanism as a compile option like “-DOS_CONFIG_BOARD_STK525=1”, the system exposes definitions of the architecture, family and variant of the processor used.
#define OS_CONFIG_BOARD_STK525 1
These definitions can be used later for conditional compilation.
Most of these variables have (or should have) reasonable definitions, so not defining them includes only the core code with minimal functionality.
For including additional code, use the OS_INCLUDE_xxx definitions.
Similarly, if the default functionality is not needed, parts of the source code can be excluded by using OS_EXCLUDE_xxx.
// conditionally include code
#define OS_INCLUDE_xxx (1)
#if defined(OS_INCLUDE_xxx)
#endif /* defined(OS_INCLUDE_xxx) */
// conditionally exclude code
#define OS_EXCLUDE_xxx (1)
#if !defined(OS_EXCLUDE_xxx)
#endif /* !defined(OS_EXCLUDE_xxx) */
The scope of the inclusion/exclusion can be an entire class, a variable, a method, or part of a method:
// conditionally include class
class MyClass
#endif /* defined(OS_INCLUDE_MYCLASS) */
// conditionally exclude class
#if !defined(OS_EXCLUDE_MYCLASS)
class MyClass
#endif /* !defined(OS_EXCLUDE_MYCLASS) */
// conditionally include class member variable
class MyClass
myType_t m_myVariable;
// conditionally exclude class member variable
class MyClass
myType_t m_myVariable;
#endif /* !defined(OS_EXCLUDE_MYCLASS_MYVARIABLE) */
This feature is useful for virtual methods, since they are referred from a virtual method table; exclusion for regular methods is not of great concern, since the linker is configured to automatically exclude methods not referred.
// conditionally include class method
#endif /* defined(OS_INCLUDE_MYCLASS_MYMETHOD) */
// conditionally exclude class method
#endif /* !defined(OS_EXCLUDE_MYCLASS_MYMETHOD) */
By default, interrupt service routines include preemption code. To selectively exclude the preemption code, it is recommended to use the following definitions:
Another general example of variables are:
It is possible to explicitly ask the compiler to inline some of the class methods.
There are multiple usages of these variables:
The types of these variables are encoded in the name.
Most of these variables have (or should have) reasonable defaults.
As for INLINE/INCLUDE/EXCLUDE definitions, each variable should be as specific as necessary. If it is used to configure a specific class, the class name should be included. Similarly for methods, variables, etc, as presented above.
The usage of the configuration variables should always provide defaults for the case when the definition is missing, for example:
typedef LedActiveLow StatusLed_t;
typedef LedActiveHigh StatusLed_t;
#define OS_CFGBOOL_xxx (true)
The boolean true/false values.
#define OS_CFGINT_xxx (1)
#define OS_CFGINT8_xxx (1)
#define OS_CFGINT16_xxx (1)
#define OS_CFGLONG_xxx (1)
All integer values. If the value is assigned to a variable/register with a known size, and it is useful to remind it to the programmer, use the INT8/INT16 variants.
#define OS_CFGREG_xxx (hardware register)
Memory mapped hardware registers also fit here.
#define OS_CFGPIN_xxx_GPIO_PIN (pin number)
#define OS_CFGPIN_xxx_PORT_PIN (pin number)
An integer value, defining the GPIO pin, either uniquely or within a port.
#define OS_CFGVAR_xxx (variable)
The name of a variable.
#define OS_CFGPTR_xxx (&variable)
The address of a variable or of a memory location.
#define OS_CFGSTR_xxx "Today " __DATE__
Generic strings. According to C/C++ rules, may be a sequence of strings to be concatenated.
#define OS_CONFIG_xxx (1)
To be used for anything else, that does not fit the above definitions. However, if such cases occur frequently, it might be worth defining new categories of variables.
Since these variables usually refer to a specific class or variable, it is recommended to explicitly append the name of the class/variable.
When variables define array sizes, the name should be suffixed with _ARRAY_SIZE.
Where needed, the units of the variable should be explicitly defined. Examples of such units are:
It is recommended to use the new syntax, #if defined() instead of the original #ifdef syntax.
The major advantage is that the new syntax allows to check multiple variables, by using logical expressions. For example:
#if defined(DEBUG) && defined(OS_DEBUG_CONSTRUCTORS)
When the definition values contain expressions, it is almost mandatory to brace them with parenthesis, to avoid possible surprises when evaluating the expressions.
For uniformity, it is also recommended to brace all values with parenthesis, even as single values.
Application definitions are variables used to configure the application classes, usually definitions entered in App_Defines.h.
Although their names have no impact on system files, for consistency it is still recommended to use a similar naming convention, except to prefix the definitions with APP_ instead of OS_.
Example of application variables are the versioning variables:
// Application versioning and greeting definitions
// More definitions will be computed in uOS.h
// Notice: do not use parenthesis! (the values will be stringified)
Local definitions are variables used only in a specific source file.
Although their names have no impact on other files, it is still recommended to use a similar naming convention, except the OS_ prefix that can be dropped.