utils-lists 4.0.0
µOS++ C++ intrusive lists utilities
No Matches

CI on Push


The µOS++ testing strategy is to compile the sources with as many toolchains as possible, and run them on as many platforms as possible.


The supported test platforms are:

  • platform-native - run the test applications as native processes on the development machine
  • platform-qemu-cortex-m0 - run the tests as fully semihosted Cortex-M0 applications on a QEMU mps2-an385 emulated board (an Arm Cortex-M3 development board)
  • platform-qemu-cortex-m3 - run the tests as fully semihosted Cortex-M3 applications on a QEMU mps2-an385 emulated board (an Arm Cortex-M3 development board)
  • platform-qemu-cortex-m4f - run the tests as fully semihosted Cortex-M4 applications on a QEMU mps2-an386 emulated board (an Arm Cortex-M4 development board)
  • platform-qemu-cortex-m7f - run the tests as fully semihosted Cortex-M7 applications on a QEMU mps2-an500 emulated board (an Arm Cortex-M7 development board)
  • platform-qemu-cortex-a15 - run the tests as fully semihosted Cortex-A15 applications on a QEMU virt emulated board
  • platform-qemu-cortex-a72 - run the tests as fully semihosted Cortex-A72 (64-bit) applications on a QEMU virt emulated board
  • platform-qemu-riscv-rv32imac - run the tests as fully semihosted RISC-V RV32IMAC applications on a QEMU virt emulated board
  • platform-qemu-riscv-rv64imafdc - run the tests as fully semihosted RISC-V RV32IMAFDC applications on a QEMU virt emulated board

The tests are built and executed on:

  • GNU/Linux (Intel and Arm)
  • macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)
  • Windows

The build configurations use exactly the same source files on all platforms, without changes. On embedded platforms, the applications interact with the host via the Arm semihosting mechanism.


To improve source code portability, the builds are repeated with multiple toolchains, even with multiple versions of the same toolchain.

The following toolchains are used:

  • gcc 11, 12, 13 (native)
  • clang 13, 14, 15, 16 (native)
  • arm-none-eabi-gcc 11, 12, 13 (Cortex-M, AArch32)
  • aarch64-none-elf-gcc 11, 12, 13 (AArch64)
  • risc-none-elf-gcc 11, 12, 13 (RISC-V 32/64)

Tests details


The sample-test.cpp file is a simple application to demonstrate how to call the few primitives available in the library.

A typical run looks like:

test 1
Start 1: sample-test
1: Test command: /Users/ilg/MyProjects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/utils-lists-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-sys-debug/platform-bin/sample-test "one" "two"
1: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
1: micro_os_plus::trace::initialize()
1: Marry
1: Bob
1: Sally
1: Marry
1: Sally
1/2 Test #1: sample-test ...................... Passed 0.65 sec


The unit-test.cpp file is an exhaustive test trying to validate that all the library functions work as expected. It uses the µTest++ framework.

A typical run looks like:

test 2
Start 2: unit-test
2: Test command: /Users/ilg/MyProjects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/utils-lists-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-sys-debug/platform-bin/unit-test
2: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
2: micro_os_plus::trace::initialize()
2: argv['/Users/ilg/MyProjects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/utils-lists-xpack.git/build/native-cmake-sys-debug/platform-bin/unit-test']
2: Built with clang Apple LLVM 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202), with exceptions, with MICRO_OS_PLUS_DEBUG.
2: • Static double list links destructor - test suite started
2: ✓ Static - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Static double list links destructor - test suite passed (4 checks in 1 test case)
2: • Static double list links - test suite started
2: ✓ Initial - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Link - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Static double list links - test suite passed (12 checks in 3 test cases)
2: • Double list links - test suite started
2: ✓ Initial - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Allocated on stack - test case passed (1 check)
2: ✓ Double list links - test suite passed (10 checks in 4 test cases)
2: • Static double list - test suite started
2: ✓ Uninitialized - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link One - test case passed (7 checks)
2: ✓ Link Two - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink One - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Two - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link One again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Static double list - test suite passed (33 checks in 8 test cases)
2: • Static double list with static elements - test suite started
2: ✓ Uninitialized - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link One - test case passed (7 checks)
2: ✓ Link Two - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink One - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Two - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link One again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Static double list with static elements - test suite passed (33 checks in 8 test cases)
2: • Double list - test suite started
2: ✓ Uninitialized - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link One - test case passed (7 checks)
2: ✓ Link Two - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink One - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Two - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link One again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Allocated on stack - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Double list - test suite passed (35 checks in 9 test cases)
2: • Double list with static elements - test suite started
2: ✓ Uninitialized - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link One - test case passed (7 checks)
2: ✓ Link Two - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink One - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Two - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link One again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Allocated on stack - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Double list with static elements - test suite passed (35 checks in 9 test cases)
2: • Static intrusive list2 - test suite started
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Link Sally - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry at head - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Sally - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Static intrusive list2 - test suite passed (47 checks in 11 test cases)
2: • Static intrusive list static nodes - test suite started
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Link Sally - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry at head - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Sally - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Static intrusive list static nodes - test suite passed (47 checks in 11 test cases)
2: • Intrusive list2 - test suite started
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Link Sally - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry at head - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Sally - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Allocated on stack - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Intrusive list2 - test suite passed (49 checks in 12 test cases)
2: • Intrusive list static nodes - test suite started
2: ✓ Empty - test case passed (3 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Link Sally - test case passed (8 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Bob - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry at head - test case passed (6 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Marry - test case passed (4 checks)
2: ✓ Unlink Sally - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Link Marry again - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Clear - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Allocated on stack - test case passed (2 checks)
2: ✓ Intrusive list static nodes - test suite passed (49 checks in 12 test cases)
2/2 Test #2: unit-test ........................ Passed 0.16 sec

Continuous Integration

There is a GitHub Actions CI workflow that runs a selection of the tests on every push; for details see ci.yml.

Extensive testing

A second workflow can be triggered manually before releases, and runs all available tests on all supported platforms; for details see test-all.yml

Running these tests on Apple Silicon macOS and Arm GNU/Linux require the self-hosted runners for the micro-os-plus GitHub organisation to be up and running.

Manual runs

The tests can be executed manually on any of the supported platforms:

  • GNU/Linux (Intel and Arm, GLIBC>=2.27); to run the native tests, a C++ development environment is required (on Ubuntu install build-essential)
  • macOS (Intel >= 10.13 and Apple Silicon > 11.1); as C++ development environment use Command Line Tools
  • Windows 7 with the Universal C Runtime (UCRT), Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11


A recent Node.js (>=16) run environment. For instructions on how to install it, see the prerequisites page.

With npm available, install xpm:

npm install --global xpm@latest

Clone the project

To clone the development branch (xpack-development), run the following commands in a terminal (on Windows use the Git Bash console):

rm -rf ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git && \
mkdir -p ~/Work/micro-os-plus && \
git clone \
--branch xpack-development \
https://github.com/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git \

Run the tests

There are multiple predefined actions, to run various selections of tests, from a single run with the system compiler, to all possible tests.

On the first run, the install step might take quite some time, since it has to download the toolchain archives, which are relatively large, up to hundreds of MB.

To run the tests with the system compiler:

xpm run install -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests
xpm run test -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests

To run a selection of tests with the latest versions of the toolchains:

xpm run install-selected -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests
xpm run test-selected -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests

To run all tests with the latest versions of the toolchains:

xpm run install-latest -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests
xpm run test-latest -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests

To run all tests with all toolchain versions:

xpm run install-all -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests
xpm run test-all -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests

Known problems

The native clang13 and clang14 tests fail on Arch & derivates machines, with an error related to a missing symbol in libunwind.

The issue is caused by older clang releases returning the paths in -print-search-dirs in a wrong order, which results in including the wrong library from the system instead of the toolchain library.


To do a deep cleanup in order to free space or to restart the tests from scratch:

npm install -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests
xpm run deep-clean -C ~/Work/micro-os-plus/utils-lists-xpack.git/tests
All dependencies installed by xpm are located in the home folder and can be uninstalled by simply removing the folders:
  • ~/.local/xPacks and ~/.cache/xpacks on GNU/Linux,
  • ~/Library/xPacks and ~/Library/Caches/xPacks on macOS,
  • %APPDATA%\xPacks and %LOCALAPPDATA%\Caches\xPacks on Windows.