utils-lists 4.0.0
µOS++ C++ intrusive lists utilities
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Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NutilsµOS++ utility definitions
 Cdouble_listA class template for a double linked list of nodes
 Cdouble_list_iteratorA class template for a double linked list forward iterator
 Cdouble_list_linksA class for the core of a double linked list (pointers to neighbours)
 Cdouble_list_links_baseA base class for a double linked list
 Cintrusive_listA class template for a list of nodes which store the links inside themselves as intrusive nodes
 Cintrusive_list_iteratorA class template for an intrusive list iterator
 Cstatic_double_list_linksA class for the core of a statically allocated double linked list (pointers to neighbours)