micro-test-plus 3.2.0
µTest++, a lightweight testing framework for embedded platforms
No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 C++ API
 Initialisation & exitFunctions to initialise the framework and exit
 Test casesTest cases are named sequences of checks
 ExpectationsExpectations are checks whose results are reported
 AssumptionsAssumptions are conditions that must be met for the test to continue
 Function comparatorsFunctions to compare the actual with expected values
 Logical functionsFunctions to be used in logical expressions
 Checking exceptionsFunctions to check exceptions
 OperatorsOverloaded operators
 String operatorsOverloaded operators to compare strings
 Container operatorsOverloaded operators to compare containers
 Literals and wrappersLiterals and wrappers
 Functions vs. operators & literals
 Utility functionsFunctions to assist in string operations
 Test suitesTest suites are named sequences of test cases
 Explicit namespaces
 Memory footprint
 Command line options