The µOS++ testing strategy is to compile the sources with as many toolchains as possible, and run them on as many platforms as possible.
The build configurations use exactly the same source files on all platforms, without changes. On embedded platforms, the applications interact with the host via the Arm semihosting mechanism.
To improve source code portability, the builds are repeated with multiple toolchains, even with multiple versions of the same toolchain.
In addition to the default run, there are two more, one more verbose, and one silent, which only returns the test result.
test 5
Start 5: unit-test
5: Test command: /Users/ilg/MyProjects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/tests/build/native-cmake-sys-release/platform-bin/unit-test
5: Working Directory: /Users/ilg/MyProjects/micro-os-plus.github/xPacks/micro-test-plus-xpack.git/tests/build/native-cmake-sys-release/platform-bin
5: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
5: Built with clang Apple LLVM 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1), with exceptions.
5: µTest++ unit tests; some checks are expected to fail.
5: • Main - test suite started
5: ✓ Initial counters - test case passed (0 checks)
5: ✓ expect(true) - test case passed (3 checks)
5: • expect(false) - test case started
5: ✗ FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102)
5: ✗ false FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102)
5: ✗ expect(false) - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 2 failed)
5: ✓ Integer comparisons - test case passed (8 checks)
5: • Failed integer comparisons - test case started
5: ✗ actual != 42 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42)
5: ✗ actual+1 == 42 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 == 42)
5: ✗ actual-1 >= 42 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41 >= 42)
5: ✗ actual > 42 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 > 42)
5: ✗ actual+1 <= 42 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 <= 42)
5: ✗ actual < 42 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 < 42)
5: ✗ FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42)
5: ✗ 42 != 42_i FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42)
5: ✗ Failed integer comparisons - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 8 failed)
5: ✓ Float comparisons - test case passed (27 checks)
5: • Failed float comparisons - test case started
5: ✗ actual != 42.0 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.000000f != 42.000000f)
5: ✗ actual == 43.0 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.000000f == 43.000000f)
5: ✗ actual != 42 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.000000f != 42)
5: ✗ actual == 43 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.000000f == 43)
5: ✗ 42.101f != 42.101_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.101002f != 42.101002f)
5: ✗ 42.101f epsilon 0.01f != 42.10_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.101002f != 42.099998f)
5: ✗ 42.101f epsilon 0.1f == 42.10_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.101002f == 42.099998f)
5: ✗ 42.1010001f epsilon 0.1f != 42.1_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.101002f != 42.099998f)
5: ✗ 42.101f == 42.10_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.101002f == 42.099998f)
5: ✗ 42.101f == 42.100_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.101002f == 42.099998f)
5: ✗ 42.10f == 42.1_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.099998f != 42.099998f)
5: ✗ 42.42f == 42.42_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.419998f != 42.419998f)
5: ✗ 42.42 == 42.420_d FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.420000 != 42.420000)
5: ✗ 42.0 == 42.0_d FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.000000 != 42.000000)
5: ✗ 42. == 42._d FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.000000 != 42.000000)
5: ✗ 42.42 == 42.42_ld FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42.420000l != 42.420000l)
5: ✗ 1234._f == 1234.f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 1234.000000f != 1234.000000f)
5: ✗ 1234.56_f == 1234.56f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 1234.560059f != 1234.560059f)
5: ✗ 12345678.9f == 12345678.9_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 12345679.000000f != 12345679.000000f)
5: ✗ 111111.42f == 111111.42_f FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 111111.421875f != 111111.421875f)
5: ✗ 1111111111.42 == 1111111111.42_d FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 1111111111.420000 != 1111111111.420000)
5: ✗ Failed float comparisons - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 21 failed)
5: ✓ String comparisons - test case passed (6 checks)
5: • Failed string comparisons - test case started
5: ✗ actual_sv != abc_sv FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, abc != abc)
5: ✗ actual_sv == abx_sv FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, abc == abx)
5: ✗ actual_sv >= abd_sv FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, abc >= abd)
5: ✗ actual_sv > abc_sv FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, abc > abc)
5: ✗ actual_sv <= abb_sv FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, abc <= abb)
5: ✗ actual_sv < abc_sv FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, abc < abc)
5: ✗ Failed string comparisons - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 6 failed)
5: ✓ Pointer comparisons - test case passed (9 checks)
5: • Failed pointer comparisons - test case started
5: ✗ ptr1 != &one FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce2c != 0x7ff7b286ce2c)
5: ✗ ptr1 != ptr2 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce2c != 0x7ff7b286ce2c)
5: ✗ ptr1 > ptr2 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce2c > 0x7ff7b286ce2c)
5: ✗ ptr1 < ptr2 FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce2c < 0x7ff7b286ce2c)
5: ✗ ptr1 == a_non_nullptr FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce2c == 0x7ff7b286ce90)
5: ✗ pfunc != afunc FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x10d6d2e30 != 0x10d6d2e30)
5: ✗ pfunc == a_non_nullptr FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x10d6d2e30 == 0x7ff7b286ce90)
5: ✗ pone >= ptwo FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce38 >= 0x7ff7b286ce3c)
5: ✗ ptwo <= pone FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce3c <= 0x7ff7b286ce38)
5: ✗ Failed pointer comparisons - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 9 failed)
5: ✓ Null pointer comparisons - test case passed (3 checks)
5: • Failed null pointer comparisons - test case started
5: ✗ a_nullptr != nullptr FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x0 != nullptr)
5: ✗ a_non_nullptr == nullptr FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x7ff7b286ce90 == nullptr)
5: ✗ pfunc != nullptr FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 0x0 != nullptr)
5: ✗ Failed null pointer comparisons - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 3 failed)
5: ✓ reflection::type_name() - test case passed (2 checks)
5: ✓ thrown exceptions - test case passed (2 checks)
5: • Failed thrown exceptions - test case started
5: ✗ exception thrown FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, throws)
5: ✗ std::runtime_error thrown FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, throws<std::runtime_error>)
5: ✗ Failed thrown exceptions - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 2 failed)
5: ✓ Not thrown exceptions - test case passed (1 check)
5: • Failed not thrown exceptions - test case started
5: ✗ exception not thrown FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, nothrow)
5: ✗ Failed not thrown exceptions - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 1 failed)
5: • Logical operations - test case started
5: ✓ not (actual != 42)
5: ✗ not (actual == 42) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, not 42 == 42)
5: ✓ (actual == 42) and (actual == 42.0)
5: ✗ (actual == 42) and (actual != 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 == 42 and 42.000000f != 42.000000))
5: ✗ (actual != 42) and (actual == 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 != 42 and 42.000000f == 42.000000))
5: ✗ (actual != 42) and (actual != 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 != 42 and 42.000000f != 42.000000))
5: ✓ (42 == 42 and 42.000000f == 42.000000)
5: ✗ FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 == 42 and 42.000000f != 42.000000))
5: ✓ (actual == 42) or (actual == 42.0)
5: ✓ (actual == 42) or (actual != 42.0)
5: ✓ (actual != 42) or (actual == 42.0)
5: ✗ (actual != 42) or (actual != 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 != 42 or 42.000000f != 42.000000))
5: ✗ Logical operations - test case FAILED (6 checks passed, 6 failed)
5: • Operators - test case started
5: ✓ actual == 42
5: ✗ actual+1 == 42 with scalar FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102)
5: ✗ actual+1 == 42 with _i literal FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 == 42)
5: ✗ actual+1 == 42 with _i() FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 == 42)
5: ✓ actual+1 != 42
5: ✓ actual-1 < 42
5: ✓ actual <= 42
5: ✓ actual+1 > 42
5: ✓ actual >= 42
5: ✓ not (actual != 42)
5: ✗ not (actual == 42) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, not 42 == 42)
5: ✓ (actual == 42) and (actual == 42.0)
5: ✗ (actual == 42) and (actual != 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 == 42 and 42.000000f != 42.000000))
5: ✗ (actual != 42) and (actual == 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 != 42 and 42.000000f == 42.000000))
5: ✗ (actual != 42) and (actual != 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 != 42 and 42.000000f != 42.000000))
5: ✓ (42 == 42 and 42.000000f == 42.000000)
5: ✗ FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 == 42 and 42.000000f != 42.000000))
5: ✓ (actual == 42) or (actual == 42.0)
5: ✓ (actual == 42) or (actual != 42.0)
5: ✓ (actual != 42) or (actual == 42.0)
5: ✗ (actual != 42) or (actual != 42.0) FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, (42 != 42 or 42.000000f != 42.000000f))
5: ✗ Operators - test case FAILED (12 checks passed, 9 failed)
5: ✓ Strings matches - test case passed (6 checks)
5: • Failed strings matches - test case started
5: ✗ empty matches abc FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102)
5: ✗ abc matches b?? FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102)
5: ✗ abc matches a*d FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102)
5: ✗ abc matches *C FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102)
5: ✗ Failed strings matches - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 4 failed)
5: ✓ Splits - test case passed (4 checks)
5: ✗ Main - test suite FAILED (92 checks passed, 71 failed, in 23 test cases)
5: • Combinatorial integrals - test suite started
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with signed long long - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals unsigned long long - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with signed int - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned int - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with signed short - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned short - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with signed short - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned short - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with signed char - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned char - test case passed (20 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial integrals - test suite passed (200 checks in 10 test cases)
5: • Failed combinatorial integrals - test suite started
5: • Combinatorial integrals with signed long long - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ll == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41ll >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ll <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ll < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ll == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41ll >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ll <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with signed long long - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals unsigned long long - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ull == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41ull >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ull <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42ull < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ull == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41ull >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43ull <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals unsigned long long - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with signed int - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41 >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41 >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with signed int - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with unsigned int - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41u >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41u >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned int - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with signed short - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41 >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42 < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41 >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43 <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with signed short - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with unsigned short - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41u >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42u < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41u >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43u <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned short - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with signed short - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43s == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41s >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43s <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42s < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43s == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41s >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43s <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with signed short - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with unsigned short - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43us == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41us >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43us <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42us < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43us == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41us >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43us <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned short - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with signed char - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43c == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41c >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43c <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42c < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43c == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41c >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43c <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with signed char - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: • Combinatorial integrals with unsigned char - test case started
5: ✗ ne matches signed long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42ll)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42ull)
5: ✗ ne matches signed long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42l)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned long FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42ul)
5: ✗ ne matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42u)
5: ✗ ne matches signed short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42s)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned short FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42us)
5: ✗ ne matches signed char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42c)
5: ✗ ne matches unsigned char FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc != 42uc)
5: ✗ gt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc > 42)
5: ✗ lt matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc < 42)
5: ✗ eq matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43uc == 42)
5: ✗ ge matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41uc >= 42)
5: ✗ le matches signed int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43uc <= 42)
5: ✗ gt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc > 42u)
5: ✗ lt matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 42uc < 42u)
5: ✗ eq matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43uc == 42u)
5: ✗ ge matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 41uc >= 42u)
5: ✗ le matches unsigned int FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, 43uc <= 42u)
5: ✗ Combinatorial integrals with unsigned char - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 20 failed)
5: ✗ Failed combinatorial integrals - test suite FAILED (0 checks passed, 200 failed, in 10 test cases)
5: • Combinatorial floats - test suite started
5: ✓ Combinatorial floats - test case passed (11 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial doubles - test case passed (11 checks)
5: ✓ Combinatorial floats - test suite passed (22 checks in 2 test cases)
5: • Miscellaneous - test suite started
5: ✓ Arrays - test case passed (4 checks)
5: • Arrays failed - test case started
5: ✗ array{ 42 } ne array{ 42 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {42} != {42})
5: ✗ array{ 42 } eq array{ 43 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {42} == {43})
5: ✗ array{ 1, 2 } ne array{ 1, 2 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {1, 2} != {1, 2})
5: ✗ array{ 1, 2, 3 } eq array{ 1, 2, 4 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {1, 2, 3} == {1, 2, 4})
5: ✗ Arrays failed - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 4 failed)
5: ✓ Vectors - test case passed (6 checks)
5: • Vectors failed - test case started
5: ✗ vector{ } != vector{ } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {} != {})
5: ✗ FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {} != {})
5: ✗ vector{ 42 } != vector{ 42 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {42} != {42})
5: ✗ vector{ 42 } == vector{ 43 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {42} == {43})
5: ✗ vector{ 1, 2 } != vector{ 1, 2 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {1, 2} != {1, 2})
5: ✗ vector{ 1, 2, 3 } == vector{ 1, 2, 4 } FAILED (micro-test-plus.h:102, {1, 2, 3} == {1, 2, 4})
5: ✗ Vectors failed - test case FAILED (0 checks passed, 6 failed)
5: ✗ Miscellaneous - test suite FAILED (10 checks passed, 10 failed, in 4 test cases)
5: Overall, the µTest++ unit tests were successful!
5/8 Test #5: unit-test ........................ Passed 0.01 sec
There are multiple predefined actions, to run various selections of tests, from a single run with the system compiler, to all possible tests.
The native clang13 and clang14 tests fail on Arch & derivatives machines, with an error related to a missing symbol in libunwind
To do a deep cleanup in order to free space or to restart the tests from scratch: