micro-test-plus 3.2.0
µTest++, a lightweight testing framework for embedded platforms
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Change log

Breaking changes

According to the semver rules:

‍Major version X (X.y.z | X > 0) MUST be incremented if any backwards incompatible changes are introduced to the public API.

The breaking changes introduced by each major release, in reverse chronological order, are:

v3.x (2022-04-03)

Major rework, with full set of comparators, exceptions, function templates for test cases and class templates for test suites.

v2.3.x (2022-02-19)

Deprecate run_test_case(func, name) in favour of run_test_case(name, func), to prepare for variadic templates.

v2.x (2021-03-01)

The C++ namespace was renamed from os to micro_os_plus.

v1.x (2021-02-04)

The initial code (inspired in its simplicity by node-tap) was extracted from the mono-repo µOS++ project.