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micro-test-plus 3.2.0
µTest++, a lightweight testing framework for embedded platforms
▼Nmicro_os_plus | |
▼Nmicro_test_plus | |
▼Ndetail | Namespace with implementation details, not part of the public API |
Cand_ | Logical and operator |
Cassertion | An object used to pass assertion parameters to the evaluator |
Cdeferred_reporter | Class template for a deferred reporter specific to an expression |
Cdeferred_reporter_base | Base class for a deferred reporter, that collects the messages into a string |
Ceq_ | Equality comparator |
Cge_ | Greater than or equal comparator |
Cgt_ | Greater than comparator |
Cle_ | Less than or equal comparator |
Clt_ | Less than comparator |
Cne_ | Non-equality comparator |
Cnot_ | Logical not operator |
Cnothrow_ | Operator to check if the expression does not throw any exception |
Cor_ | Logical or operator |
Cthrows_ | Operator to check if the expression throws a specific exception |
Cthrows_< Callable_T, void > | Operator to check if the expression throws any exception |
▼Nreflection | |
Csource_location | Local implementation of the std::source_location |
▼Ntype_traits | Local type traits. Some may have standard equivalents, but better keep them locally |
Cfloating_point_constant | A generic floating point constant, with custom size and precision. It has a getter and a '-' operator to return the negative value |
Cfunction_traits< R(*)(Args_T...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< R(Args_T...)> | |
Cfunction_traits< R(T::*)(Args_T...) const > | |
Cfunction_traits< R(T::*)(Args_T...)> | |
Cgenuine_integral_value | |
Cidentity | |
Cintegral_constant | A generic integral constant. It has a getter and a '-' operator to return the negative value |
Clist | |
Cop | Empty base class of all operators |
Crequires_ | |
Crequires_< true > | |
Cvalue | Class defining a generic value, accessible via a getter |
Cvalue< T, type_traits::requires_t< type_traits::is_floating_point_v< T > > > | A generic value used to define floating points, which, in addition to the actual value, has an epsilon, to use the desired precision during comparisons. If missing, the default is 1 / (10^decimals) |
C_t | |
Ccolors | Colours used to highlight pass vs. fail |
Ctest_reporter | Reporter to display the test results. For failed tests it prints the actual values of the operands, with their types |
Ctest_runner | The test runner. It maintains a list of test suites which automatically register themselves in their constructors |
Ctest_suite | Test suites are classes that represent a named group of test cases which self register to the runner |
Ctest_suite_base | Base class for all test suites |
Cto_t | Template for wrapping any other type |