C/C++ naming conventions

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Snake case

In previous versions, µOS++ used the CamelCase naming convention, but, after a long consideration, the naming was brought back to what the ISO standard libraries use, and to what existing coding styles (like MISRA, JSF) recommend, which is underscore separated lower case names (or snake case).

Full words vs. short words

Do not use contractions. Whenever possible, it is recommended to use the full words; shortening words in member or member function names does not make the program shorter or faster; full names, when used properly, highly increase the readability of the program.

int initialise(); // instead of init();
int configure(); // instead of config();
int delay_seconds; // instead of delay_sec;

Favour Descriptive Over Concise

Names should be self explanatory, such that they do not need comments to further explain what they do.

search_user_by_phone_number(phone); // instead of search_user()

Avoid context duplication

A name should not duplicate the context in which it is defined. Always remove the context from a name if that doesn’t decrease its readability.

class menu_item {
  // Bad.
  void handle_menu_item_click();

  // Good.
  void handle_click();

Singular vs. plural

Names can be made singular or plural depending on whether they hold a single value or multiple values, thus arrays and collections should be plural.

int id;
int ids[];

When the same data is represented by multiple types, for example arrays and collections, the names should be suffixed with the type:

thread_t* properties_list;
thread_t* properties_array[];

It is still debatable whether the extra type should be suffixed to all names. Modern editors, with accurate indexers, are capable of showing the variable definition when hovering over the name, thus providing help in case it is not clear when the variable is an array or not. Plus that the presence of parenthesis is a clear sign of an array.

Pairs of opposed actions or names


When defining pairs of opposed actions, use the proper antonyms:

int start_acquisition();
int stop_acquisition();

int enable_interrupts();
int disable_interrupts();

Technical terms

Sometimes, even if the words are not listed in dictionaries as antonyms, the pairs of opposed names are defined by practice:

// For hardware signals, like chip select
int assert();
int deassert();

// For synchronisation objects, like mutex
int acquire();
int release();

start/stop vs. begin/end

When defining actions, prefer start/stop to begin/end, since they have a stronger verb-like meaning (end is more an adjective than a verb).

int start_acquisition(); // instead of begin_acquisition()
int stop_acquisition(); // instead of end_acquisition()

However, when the meaning is adjectival, for example adding determinants to a noun, the pair begin/end is preferred.

int list_begin; // instead of list_start
int list_end; // instead of list_stop

Class names

Class names are singular nouns or nominative constructs; they do not need to start with upper case letters.

class logger;
class circular_buffer;

Derived class names

Derived class names should extend the base class name, by adding a differentiator at the end.

class device_character_buffered : public device_character
  // ...

Abstract base classes

When an abstract class is used as a base class for concrete implementations, the suffix _base can be added to the name, and this name can be skipped in the derived class name:

class device_character_buffered_usart0 : public device_character_buffered_base
  // ...


Templates are a great C++ feature, that can be used for many purposes, with the common one being to implement compile time polymorphism.

Class template vs template class?

As far as C++ is concerned, there is no such thing as a template class, there is only a class template.

Class template names

Class template names follow the same convention as the class names. No need to prefix them with anything.

Template parameter types

There are several template parameter types, parameters naming user-defined types (like classes), parameters naming primitive types and constant parameters (usually integer).

Although not required by the language, it is recommended to define parameters naming types with typename T.

In class templates, it is recommended to alias the template parameters to new names, and use these new names in code, reserving the template parameters only to define the template syntax.

template <typename T, typename U = void, int N>
class pin
  using gpio = T;
  using result_t = U ;
  static constexpr int bit = N;
  // ...

// Explicit instantiation
template class pin<GPIOC1>;

// Define a type alias.
using my_pin = class pin<GPIOC1>;

Member function names

Function names are formed from lower case letters.

Since functions define actions to be performed upon the object, the function name should have the function of a predicate, and usually start with an imperative verb.

int read();

If there are multiple functions that perform similar actions, they should differentiate by the following noun, with the function of a direct complement.

int read_byte();
long read_long();

void read_block();

The rule of starting with a verb is not absolute, when multiple functions are logically grouped by a common criteria, then predicative groups can be used as function names, and the verb is placed at the end. However, when such names occur, it might be a sign that the design can be further refined by defining additional objects, for example instead of:

void critical_enter();
void critical_exit();

a separate object to manage critical sections might be useful, like:

class critical
  void enter(void);
  void exit(void);

In this case the naming convention is again simplified, according to the initial recommendation to use a verb.

Actions prefixes


Accesses data immediately (i.e., shorthand getter of internal data). Generally to be avoided; instead, use accessors (see below).


Declaratively sets a variable or a member to a value. Generally to be avoided; instead, use mutators (see below).


Sets a variable or a member back to its initial value or state.


Requests data, which takes time.


Removes something from somewhere, for example an object from a collection. The objects themselves may continue to live, but outside of the collection.


Completely erases something from the realm of existence.


Creates new data from existing data.


Handles an action. Often used when naming a callback method.


Implement a private action, usually paired with a public similar name.


As in most object oriented designs, member variables are usually private to the class and external direct access to them is discouraged. Instead, special accessors and mutators should be defined.

The name should generally contain the variable name, without parameters for the accessors and with at least one parameter for the mutators.

  int prio_;

  int prio(void);
  void prio(int);

get/set vs. read/write

When dealing with hardware, even if the memory mapped registers are seen as class members, it is recommended to prefix member functions with read/write, not get/set, which are usually the sign of accessors/mutators in other languages.


write_mode(const hal::cortexm::reg32_t value);

Boolean functions

Functions that return boolean values should start with boolean verbs, like is, has, should, does.


Describes the existence of a characteristic or state.

Depending on the context, past or future tense versions, like was or will may be more appropriate.

bool is_available();
bool was_interrupted();
bool will_block();


Describes whether the current context possesses a certain attribute (value or state).

bool has_members();

// Bad
bool are_members_present();


Describes whether the current context is capable of a certain positive action.

bool does_return();

// Bad
bool returns();


Reflects a positive conditional statement (usually a boolean) coupled with a certain action.

bool should_update();


Generally avoid inserting _not_ between the words to define negative logic; instead use the positive logic names prefixed with the language ! operator.

initialise() vs. configure()

In classes implementing device drivers, there are member functions that can be called only before the device is enabled and functions that can be called at any moment.

To mark this distinction, the recommended names should start with initialise for functions that are used before the device is enabled and with configure for functions that can be used at any moment.

bool initialise_something(void);

bool configure_baud_rate(baud_rate_t baud_rate);
bool configure_high_speed(void);

It is recommended to use the full words, shortening initialise() to init() or configure() to config() does not make the program shorter or faster.

set() vs. configure()

When dealing with device drivers, changing the state of the device is in fact a configuration change, so it is more appropriate to name functions like configure_something().

Member variables names

Similar to member functions, all member variables names use lower case letters.

Since member variables define characteristics of the object, the member variables name should have the function of an attribute, and usually start with a noun. Boolean status variables naming convention should follow the boolean function naming convention, i.e. start with a verb like is, has, does, at present/past/future tense.

Private member variables names

As the most common type of member variable names, the private member variables should be suffixed with _.

  int count_;
  char* buffer_address_;
  int buffer_size_;

  bool is_running_;
  bool was_cancelled_;

Static member variables names

Static member variables need not be prefixed or suffixed.

static constexpr uint32_t frequency_hz = 1;

Public member names

As an exception to the above rules, some globally available member variables, can be named without the _ suffix.

Array members

For a better code readability, it is recommended to name the array members, at plural:

thread** waiting_threads_array;
unsigned short waiting_threads_array_size;

const & volatile

The rules for using these keywords are sometimes tricky, and the easiest to remember is const makes a constant whatever is on its left:

 int* const p1; // constant pointer to int
 const int* p2; // pointer to an int constant
 const int* const p3; // constant pointer to an int constant

Systematic use of the above rule would put the type of scalars at the left of const, which is not that usual:

 int const n; // constant integer

So, for scalars and for constants, it is also acceptable to use the more common order:

 const int n;
 static const int my_const = 7;


Constant names are regular names, all lower case.

Although in C/C++ it is possible to define constants using the preprocessor, it is recommended to use them only for project configuration variables, otherwise use only typed definitions, and the compiler might catch some errors.

For individual definitions, the recommended way is to use constexpr.

constexpr thread_id_t id_none = 0xFF;

For definitions inside a class, use static constexpr members.

static constexpr return_t os_ok = 0;

Depending on the specific scope, if the constants are to be used only inside the given class, they can be made private.

Constants can be grouped in separated classes, that groups together various return values, although enums would be probably more appropriate.

For group of constants, the recommended method is to use enumerations.

static constexpr vs. constexpr static

The recommended order is static constexpr.

Type definitions

For a better code maintainability, where needed, it is recommended to use type definitions instead of direct C/C++ scalar types.

Scalar type definitions should use lower case letters and end with _t; class aliases should follow the usual naming convention of class names.

Language type definition

Explicit size definitions

These are mainly the definitions from <stdint.h>

  • uint8_t, int8_t
  • uint16_t, int16_t
  • uint32_t, int32_t

Explicit size versus platform size

Once we introduce the above definitions, the usual question is when to use int versus int8_t/int16_t/int32_t or unsigned int versus uint8_t/uint16_t/uint32_t?

Probably there is no single rule, but several usage cases. For applications that depend on a specific size, regardless of the platform, it is recommended to use the explicit size type definitions. Otherwise, using the platform native size may be more efficient in some cases. For example loop counts are usually better compiled when the the platform register size is used, so even if you know that the counter is small, using uint8_t instead of unsigned int may not produce a shorter/faster code (on the contrary).

As a general rule, when defining types that should match a memory mapped structure, or a packet header, or some other fixed size structure, you obviously need to use the explicit size definitions. For the rest, platform size definitions might be preferred.

Signed versus unsigned

Another usual question is when to use int (signed) versus unsigned int. The answer is obvious, if the variable you want to represent can take negative values, then use signed variables. Otherwise, use unsigned variables.

One single note: sometimes, although the variable itself can take only positive values, it might be needed to also multiplex error codes on the same variable, and, in order to differentiate them, error cases are defined as impossible/illegal negative values.

Although an universal solution is not enforced, it is preferable NOT to return error codes multiplexed with valid content; instead, return the error code and use a separate pointer parameter to return values, and leave the value unaffected by error processing.

User type definitions

These are custom definitions, made to increase code readability and maintainability. Preferably they should rely on the previous type definitions.

typedef uint8_t thread_priority_t;

If the new type can be an alias, that does not introduce a new type definition, the C++11 syntax is:

using thread_priority_t = uint8_t;

Enumeration definitions

C++11 solved the old C enumeration problem and introduced strongly typed and scoped enumerations (enum class), so usually there is no need to use embedded classes with constants.

typedef uint32_t mode_t;

enum class mode : mode_t
    input = 0,
    output = 1,
    alternate = 2,
    analog = 3

static const mode_t mode_mask = 0x3;


Structure definitions

Usually, structure definitions should be avoided, and be replaced by class definitions.

However, if for any reasons, struct definitions are needed, it is recommended to define both the struct name and the type, using the following syntax:

typedef struct region_s
  region_address_t address;
  region_size_t size;
} region_t;

Aliases to classes

For a more uniform look, type names used as aliases to class names need not end with _t.

class my_class
  region_address_t address;
  region_size_t size;

using my_class_alias = my_class;

Measuring units

Whenever not absolutely obvious, append the measuring units to the member variable or function name.

int bus_frequency_hz;
int delay_seconds;
int delay_milliseconds;
int delay_microseconds;
int length_metres;
int length_centimetres;
int length_millimetres;

If possible, use the full unit names.

Configuration macros

Applications using µOS++ can be configured during build time using several preprocessor definitions, grouped in a header file named <micro-os-plus/config.h>, included when MICRO_OS_PLUS_INCLUDE_CONFIG_H is defined on the compiler line.

There are several kinds of definitions:

  • definitions without values (MICRO_OS_PLUS_INCLUDE_<name>, MICRO_OS_PLUS_EXCLUDE_<name>, MICRO_OS_PLUS_TRACE_*, MICRO_OS_PLUS_<name>_*, ); for these definitions only the presence should be tested; INCLUDE/EXCLUDE should surround large blocks of code definitions/declarations implementing various features;
  • definitions with values; are more flexible, since they can have different defaults, and are preferred to definitions without values, which, when not present, default to false; should be used in expressions of the given type; to avoid misunderstandings, parenthesis are recommended; action properties must start with a verb;
    • boolean (MICRO_OS_PLUS_BOOL_USE_<name>, MICRO_OS_PLUS_BOOL_HAS_* MICRO_OS_PLUS_BOOL_<name>_<action>, MICRO_OS_PLUS_BOOL_<name>_<property>); HAS should be used for physical characteristics, like hardware peripherals; USE should surround optional code that calls a feature (assuming a corresponding INCLUDE is also defined)
    • integer (MICRO_OS_PLUS_INTEGER_<name>_<property>)
    • string (MICRO_OS_PLUS_STRING_<name>_<property>);
  • definitions of types (MICRO_OS_PLUS_TYPE_*); the values are special and represent expressions that can be used as types to define variables or other types.